WDDM Forum : Proposals and Initiatives Any member can post here proposals concerning WDDM (its function, mission, goals, organization).
BrEggum wrote:Well, I think if Mirek has input on a subject and if he is a member of WDDM, than he should sign in as other WDDM members do, by his name.
A Wiki administrator has no more status than other members.
Bruce Eggum
This is exactly what I have been doing all the way from the beginning. I am registered as an ordinary member MiKolar. When I post a personal opinion or position, I sign it as MiKolar (mk). When I post information about the functioning of the site, point members to new developments, and in all other administrative matters, I am trying hard to do it as WddmAdmin (admin). I apologize if I ever mixed these two roles in the past.
WddmAdmin account has (except in technical matters) lesser status than ordinary member account, it is actually not an ordinary account because WddmAdmin cannot participate in voting (see the list of members; link given earlier in this thread).
Sept 29: WddmAdmin account was renamed WebMaster - see more in a post (reply) below.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/29/2007 01:34PM by WebMaster.