WDDM Forum : Proposals and Initiatives Any member can post here proposals concerning WDDM (its function, mission, goals, organization).
Good Morning, mk
I am taking advantage of your post because I received a copy of an email from Mark Antell to you. I thought it was a copy of a response to your post about "Sagi" and I thought it had been made on one of these forums, so I responded to it. Now, I'm unable to find Mark's post. However, presumptuous it may be, I think my comments bear on the matter of government officials, so I'm posting it as a response to you. I apologize for my lack of understanding and my inexpert use of the site.
Good Morning, Mark
Your observation that to "Get involved in local politics within the established structures." and "Work for direct democracy." seems contradictory is accurate. It reminds me of the report of an acquaintance on another site, who wrote:
"I remember a rookie state representative telling me that his first day at the capital landed him in a back room with party leaders telling the young man that if he intended on being reelected, he will do as they say. Else they would put an opponent up that will be heavily financed to defeat him."
Even so, occasionally a dedicated and knowledgeable individual is able to buck the system. We must offer whatever encouragement and support we can to those people.
I have not, so far, looked at the VoteDirect site (although I intend to). However, as I pointed out in another post, we must be careful about fragmenting our efforts. Is there a way we can merge our efforts in favor of myverdict.net with the VoteDirect site? Would it be better if Roy Daine added the capability for candidates to pledge their support for I&BR to the myverdict.net site?