WDDM Forum : Proposals and Initiatives Any member can post here proposals concerning WDDM (its function, mission, goals, organization).
Dear PVR,
A representative either acts upon his conscience or according to the will of the majority of his constituents. The two things are mutually exclusive, though they may at times coincide. We already have these representatives supposedly acting according to their consciences. Your argument sustains the status quo.
While 'It is not possible that every wish of all the people can be carried out
by the representative.', it is possible that every wish of all the people can be considered, taken into account and thus a majority opinion of the people, acted upon. How will you know he is working in the best interests of his constituents if he is able to ignore there wishes and act according to his own conscience.
'The theoretical situations you have considered are unlikely since a
society can exist only if there is a good proportion of sober and
well-meaning people, as pointed out in another thread by Fred. We are trying to
devise a system where such good people can express themselves. The
very ambiance of the platform would deter people with extreme views from
making use of it. '
I seem to remember that a certain Mr Hitler and his government decided that various groups of people, including gay people should be put to death.
'There is good in even the worst people. The
opinions of such people should also count if they are
I'm sure the man being fed alive into a mincing machine must have felt the same about Sadaam Hussein.
I have to say PVR that the statements made in your last post do not stand up to scrutiny