WDDM Forum : Proposals and Initiatives Any member can post here proposals concerning WDDM (its function, mission, goals, organization).
Good Morning, PVR
You and I are certainly on the same wavelength. The proposition that a 'conscience-based political system' is pointless is probably propagated by those with a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. As I said in the earlier post:
"Some believe we cannot remove corruption from our political systems because humans are corruptible ... We are misled by the high visibility of deceit and corruption in our culture. The idea that it is inescapable leads to the self-defeating notion that trying to correct it is futile."
"The reality is that the vast majority of humans are honorable, law-abiding people. They have to be, for society could not exist otherwise. By far, the greater percentage of our friends, our relatives, our co-workers and our neighbors are trustworthy people."
"The reason our political leaders are corrupt is that party politics elevates unscrupulous people by design."
We have little to fear from the best of our fellow citizens but a great deal to fear from partisan politics.
I hope you are correct in thinking it will not take much time for True Democracy to become a reality, but I doubt it. The huge benefits vested interests enjoy from "pseudo-democracy", the immense resources they command and the ease with which their "spin doctors" can twist truth and manipulate the public all suggest it will take a long time to improve political structures. That is one of the many reasons it is so important to lay a solid groundwork.
I will post one possible way of achieving true democracy on the Seeking True Democracy thread. The most important feature of the concept is that it makes principled behavior an advantage for those who hope to achieve public office. I hope you will consider it and critique it thoughtfully.