WDDM Forum : Proposals and Initiatives Any member can post here proposals concerning WDDM (its function, mission, goals, organization).
Good Morning PVR,
Thanks for the response. I broadly agree with what you've said. Your last paragraph, in fact, describes what is already availabe at myverdict.net, though I haven't specified any categories. People can post on anything that concerns them.
Being the nitpicker that I am, I have to point out an apparent contradiction.
'It is always not necessary that every
citizen should be able to express himself on every issue for True
Democracy to prevail. It is enough if every citizen is able to express
himself on what he expects from the representative/government on issues
that concern him.'
For the second sentence to be valid, said citizen must be able to have an input on every issue, if he so desires. If you changed 'be able' in the first sentence to 'have' or 'be obliged', I think the paragraph would have more merit and strengthen your argument.
It might turn out that, in the first truly DD vote, the majority might vote for the status quo to be maintained.
While being an advocate of DD, I can see some pitfalls. The 'mob mentality' to be exact. I can envisage that some parts of the USA, for instance might well have continued with segregation. Hitler appeared to have the majority of Germany behind him at one time. Similar examples are countless. I can think of nothing in DD, to protect us from ourselves. I guess that's where the 'responsibility' comes in. What if the USA, or indeed any country, decided all gay people should be put to death. According to DD, this would have to be acceptable and we would be responsible for another war, for it would surely come to that. Something to ponder.