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02620: RE: [WDDM] Re: 5th WDDM ( Worldwide Direct Democracy Movement) Congress related to "DD and similar initiatives by country"

From: "David Parker" <davefparker(at)shaw.ca>
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2010 10:24:46 -0700
Subject: RE: [WDDM] Re: 5th WDDM ( Worldwide Direct Democracy Movement) Congress related to "DD and similar initiatives by country"

I have been following this forum for a few years and have enjoyed the debates and information passing through here. For some time I felt as
if I were as ineffectual as Solon, standing outside my home banging my shield, demanding the proles and plebs rise up and throw off the

A recent article in - American Behavioural Scientist - vol.53 no.6 - Feb. 2010, has raised some serious concerns regarding democracy,
direct and otherwise.


I've read the six papers a few times and find their contents an ominous portent of what appears to be coming. It is surprising that I
neither see nor hear anybody talking about this material.

I put up the introductory paper in text to speech format on one of my U2ube channels. Two of the authors found it and enjoyed it so much
they are going to start using similar methods to disseminate information. They particularly enjoyed the part where the mechanical voice
says 2+2=4............sometimes.


I took a few notes from the journal for my own reference regarding behaviour and why people tend to behave as they do. Paper #848
(http://abs.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/53/6/848 ) by Manwell goes into some detail on TMT and SJT. Do any in here feel they may be
influenced by external forces without their awareness? Are we merely passing time, carrying on a Totalitarian Deliberation in the guise of
Liberal Deliberations, justifying systems we beLIEve to be true? Do we behave as individuals or do we exhibit group behaviours?

Anyway, here are some notes for those too pressed for time to read a peer reviewed scientific journal on the current state of democracy or
for those unable to access educational content via institutions of higher learning. If anyone is interested I would be happy to send a copy
of the Journal in a zip.

Further Notes:

Political theorist Robert Dahl (1998) identified five criteria a government must meet to be considered fully democratic:
1. Effective participation—equal and effective opportunities for citizens to make their views on policy known to others.
2. Voting equality—equal and effective opportunities for citizens to vote and have their vote counted equally.
3. Enlightened understanding—equal and effective opportunities for citizens to learn about relevant alternative policies and possible
4. Exercising final control of the agenda—policies are always open to change by citizens if they so choose.
5. Inclusion of adults—adult citizens who are permanent residents should have all of the rights implied in the first four criteria.

It would never come into [the minds of the masses] to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the
impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they
will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves
traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire
together in the art of lying. These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes

No conspiracy is needed. The editors of Readers Digest and U.S. News and World Report do not need to meet covertly with the representative
from NBC in an FBI safe-house to plan next month’s stories and programs; for the simple truth is that these individuals would not have
reached the positions they occupy if they themselves had not all been guided through the same tunnel of camouflaged history and emerged
with the same selective memory and conventional wisdom.

It bears noting that academics are themselves not immune to the dissonance-induced tendencies to distort and otherwise elude critical
examination of material as which 9/11 presents. Research suggests that middle-class, professional personnel, whose status depends upon
organizational role affiliation (as opposed to either rule or value affiliations) are among those most likely to subordinate individual
morality to hierarchical authority

1. An individual is more likely to carry out group commitments than his or her personal commitments.
2. Group involvement decreases the likelihood a member would remove himself or herself from the group without the approval of other members.
3. An increased probability that covert action will succeed.
4. A likelihood that greater harm will occur than intended by an individual.

Hence, the less socially valued the group, the more legitimate any transgression against it was viewed, even when aggressive acts consisted
of deadly force.

The archetype of multibranch alliances in American government is the political party, which is essentially an organization dedicated to
gaining control of the political system as a whole so that a program can be legislated, executed, and judicially sustained. As George
Washington pointed out in his farewell address, such parties not only weaken the system of checks and balances by placing the reins of
legislative, executive, and/or judicial powers in the hands of a single group but also tend, by their very nature, to inspire a certain
“team spirit” that blurs the distinctions among legitimate political action, unprincipled political tactics, and political criminality.

As Frankl cautioned, we must be ever vigilant of the motives of leaders who would persuade us to surrender our property, liberty, and
humanity, one priceless piece at a time.

Although people may harbour some cynicism about bureaucrats and politicians, most do not want to believe that public officials in general,
and especially those at the highest levels, would participate in election tampering, assassinations, mass murder, or other high crimes

Claims that state intelligence and other officials within democratic states could conspire with criminal elements to kill innocent
civilians are difficult for citizens of those states to comprehend, even when backed by substantial corroborating evidence

However, alternative explanations of political assassinations, terrorist attacks, and other national tragedies that differ from official
state accounts can be dismissed by mass publics because they evoke strong cognitive dissonance, a psychological phenomenon occurring when
new ideas or information conflict with previously formed ideologies, accepted beliefs, and corresponding behaviours

You have to disabuse yourself of any preconceived notion you may have that just because [insert name here] is the [insert title here] of
the [insert organization name here] he is simply incapable of engaging in conduct that smacks of great criminality. Because if you take
that position, a position that has no foundation in logic, you’re not going to be receptive to the evidence

Frequently, the stakeholders in question were corporations and industrial interests—especially railroads, electric utilities, and oil
companies—that were suspected of bribing, hoodwinking, or otherwise influencing policy makers to gain legal and financial advantages at the
public’s expense. The earliest example of a suspected manipulation of this sort was described by Charles and Mary Beard (1927) in their
“conspiracy theory of the Fourteenth Amendment.” (This, incidentally, is where the term “conspiracy theory” originated.) According to
Beard, legal experts for the railroad industry pushed for and obtained wording that led the courts to apply the legal guarantees of the
Fourteenth Amendment not only to individual citizens but also to corporations

The plumbers had broken into Fielding’s office in search of information needed by CIA profilers for preparing an analysis of how to “break”
Ellsberg emotionally. The other burglaries in the D.C. area similarly targeted the offices of physicians and psychiatrists whose patients
were Nixon’s opponents or their wives. This MO is consistent with one of various forms of psychological warfare practiced by the apparatus,
which had conducted years of psychological research to learn how to psychoanalyze people from a distance, identify their psychological
conflicts, and create pressures in their lives to produce emotional breakdowns

Information access is the right to use information, whereas information availability is the opportunity to use information. A negative
information action is a wilful and deliberate act designed to keep government information from those in government and the public entitled
to it. Negative information actions are not in accordance with either the rule of law or the constitutional system of checks and balances.
Negative information actions can differ in intent, content, and method. Misinformation is the unintentional provision of inaccurate
information to others, whereas disinformation is the intentional provision of false information. An individual or group may use
disinformation to create misinformation which can be misidentified as information in decision making.

A false statement contains facts or representations known not to be true, whereas a misleading statement may omit relevant facts to
misdirect others. Propaganda usually contains both true and false statements designed to confuse individuals and groups.

Through mass communication systems, leaders manipulate citizens using threat, fear, and anger to increase support for restriction of civil
liberties and wars of aggression.

Research shows that people are far less willing to examine information that disputes, rather than confirms, their beliefs; information that
contradicts worldviews often paradoxically serves to strengthen pre-existing beliefs

Evidence of SCADs threatens citizens’ beliefs about democracy, which can induce thought suppression, denial, stereotyping, and aggression
towards the source of the dissonant information.

Even when faced with incontrovertible evidence of the system’s failings, people tend to support it as the best available option. Enduring
support for the status quo is often explained in terms of the power of ideology to explain, justify, and rationalize discrepancies between
the ideals of the system and its reality. . . . Several studies have shown that ideological endorsement, stereotyping, and ingroup (or
outgroup) favouritism are all undertaken in response to system threat.

People’s behaviours are largely regulated by social motivations and goals. Motivations are the processes that initiate an individual’s
behaviour directed towards a particular goal, which is defined as the “cognitive representation of a future object that the organism is
committed to approach or avoid”. Motives and goals are focused either on desired or rewarding end states (approach) or on undesired or
punishing end states (avoidance)

Psychological tension arises when new information conflicts with previously formed ideologies, accepted beliefs, and corresponding
behaviours. Tension is resolved by changing private beliefs or public behaviour. Studies show that people are influenced by nonconscious
evaluations of information that often occur before conscious judgments are made: Although people may believe that they are still in the
process of evaluation, they have in fact already made up their minds, mostly in the instant they first encounter a new person, object, or
idea . In fact, a substantial amount of information about an individual is transmitted by way of that individual’s unintended behaviour,
for which more lengthy conscious observation and deliberation does not lead to judgments different from those based on a “thin slice of
evidence”. When people are confronted with evidence contradicting the U.S. official account of 9/11, it is unlikely that immediate,
prolonged discussion and debate regarding evidence supporting alternative accounts will change people’s minds. However, the more the
general public is presented with dissenting opinions, the more accessible to conscious processing that information becomes; such
familiarity can translate into increased support for those dissenting opinions, as demonstrated in research by Weaver, Garcia, Schwarz, and
Miller: An opinion is likely to be more widely shared the more [frequently that] different group members express it. . . . Repeated
exposure to an opinion increases the accessibility of the opinion in memory and results in a feeling of familiarity when the opinion is
encountered again. . . . Opinion repetition from one source can lead individuals to change their own attitude toward an issue.

Threatening the validity of a person’s worldview—and hence the “security-providing function of that worldview”—can result in vigorous
cognitive-behavioural defences, reactions collectively referred to as worldview defences, ranging from contempt to physical aggression
directed toward the source of the dissonant information. According to TMT, people construct and defend cultural belief systems to deal with
the existential dilemma of an “inevitable fate of non-existence” after death 9/11 may arouse strong emotions that can be used by both
government officials and mainstream media to manipulate citizens’ behaviours. For example, arousing people’s anger evokes more
dispositional attributions (e.g., explaining causes in terms of individual’s personality or motives), such as thoughts focusing on blame
and justice, whereas arousing sadness leads to more situational attributions (e.g., explaining causes in terms of environmental
influences), such as focusing on how to improve matters

The majority of research on TMT indicates that people’s motivations to reduce the anxiety that arises from reminders of death and 9/11 can
result in strong religious and patriotic displays and intolerance for people holding different cultural and political beliefs, “ominous
findings that do not bode well for the rational democracy envisioned by the Founding Fathers”

TMT is supported by research repeatedly showing that when people are exposed to information that increases death-related thoughts, known as
mortality salience, they display more worldview defences, such as showing greater bias toward their country or religion (known as
compensatory conviction) and increased support for charismatic leaders, especially in times of national threat. J. Greenberg et al.’s TMT
dual-defence model proposes that mortality salience first activates proximal defences, serving to immediately remove from conscious
awareness thoughts related to death (e.g., via suppression, minimization, and denial), followed by distal defences, acting to preserve
one’s self-esteem and worldview (e.g., via out-group stereotyping and in-group favouritism). Research indicates that increases in mortality
salience can trigger displays of psychological dissociation and related behaviours; that is, threatening thoughts and emotions that are
associated with an event are mediated independently of conscious awareness, rather than integrated, putatively to protect one from
re-experiencing trauma.

The traditional explanation has been that people seek to publicly agree with majority messages and reject minority messages to avoid
aligning themselves with deviant groups or positions. . . . Thus, whether it stems from simple, low-effort rejection or more thoughtful but
negatively biased processing, people often show immediate, direct, and public resistance to messages associated with minority sources. . .
. Of interest, though, initially resisted minority sources have been known to exert a hidden or delayed impact. For example, when people
resist minority sources, they often show evidence of persuasion when their attitudes are measured at a later point in time.

Similar to reducing the negative effects of mortality salience proposed by TMT, justification of the system also maintains “consistency,
coherence, and certainty, and existential needs to manage various forms of threat and distress and to find meaning in life”. SJT is
supported by research showing that people can be strongly motivated to truncate their evaluations of information to acquire or preserve a
“definitive answer to a question as opposed to [experiencing] uncertainty, confusion, or ambiguity,” known as the need for closure. The
persistence of faulty beliefs, then, at both individual and societal levels, may perform an important psychological function, for example,
by promoting feelings of safety and justice rather than permitting acknowledgment of potential vulnerability and exploitation

Naive realism: the tendency to believe that oneself always sees and responds to the world objectively, and thus when others do not agree,
it is because their cognitions and behaviours are not based on reality

Few of us can easily surrender our belief that society must somehow make sense. The thought that the state has lost its mind and is
punishing so many innocent people is intolerable. And so the evidence has to be internally denied.

First, immediate strategies to increase public awareness of SCADs should focus on framing information in neutral, non-threatening language
that gradually introduces people to the most serious of charges. Alternative accounts should be repeatedly presented within the public
sphere with specific requests for citizens to themselves research the information presented to them and pass their findings along to
others. This is supported by research showing that (a) when controlling language is used to influence a message, it can arouse
psychological reactance in people that results in rejection of that message; (b) civic participation is greatly increased when people are
recruited to become involved during discussions of social responsibility

Dissociation is the process by which the mind compartmentalizes thoughts, feelings, and behaviours when they become too overwhelming to
integrate consciously. This process of mental de-compensation, which occurs outside of conscious awareness, is generally considered neither
extraordinary nor pathological in itself

Narcissistic withdrawal refers to a person’s retreat into an exaggerated sense of self-importance and entitlement in response to
information that contradicts his or her self perceived grandiosity. This retreat is supported by the person’s inability to see things from
the perspective of other people

Rationalization is the process by which people defend their actions by creating “good” reasons to justify them, including fabricating
explanations to conceal or disguise disreputable motives for their behaviours

Moral culpability, also referred to as conscience, is observed when a person experiences moral anxiety, which arises from one’s action
(real or perceived) that conflicts with an individual’s superego, causing feelings of guilt

Realism is the opposite of the denial of reality, which is a defensive mechanism that serves to protect a person from an unpleasant reality
simply by refusing to acknowledge it

Experiential enlightenment refers to the process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through direct experience in contrast to abstract
reasoning. Here, the transformation requires authentic relationships with oneself and with others

In March 2002, the U.S. president announced that the American public “need not worry about the survival of federal government functions
because a ‘shadow government’ made up of un-elected officials were working in underground bunkers”. The “Continuity of Government” (COG)
program has been in place in the United States since the “cold war” and the passage of the National Security Act 1947. Now, both COG and
the “shadow government” agendas have been tied to the Homeland Security apparatus, which refuses to reveal any details of costs or budgets.
These connections to the Homeland Security apparatus “legitimate the most coveted mask of the rule by secrecy”

Power tends to confuse itself with virtue and a great nation is peculiarly susceptible to the idea that its power is a sign of God’s
favour, conferring upon it a special responsibility for other nations . . . to remake them . . . in its own shining image.

Violating the constitutional principal of separation of church and state through the interlinking of theocratic theologies in the decision
making of the U.S. government—“the push towards a theocracy and the infiltration of mainstream Protestantism by religious extremists is one
of the biggest, underreported political stories of the second half of the twentieth century”

While the world watches with bated, hostile breath, the question lingers, can/will PATRIOT legislation be repealed/modified? Is a
Christian, fascist/imperialist hue “a mask for fascism [of] patriotism and the pages of the Bible” and America’s predestined course? Or is
America emerging as a tri-horned fascism—part Christian, part military, part corporate — cloaked with a veneer of liberal-democratic
rhetoric, and hubris, for global and domestic consumption? The capitulation of U.S. Democrats on the new FISA bill dealing with
surveillance and telecom immunity, in June 2008, did not auger well for any repealing of anything.

Converse developed a diffusion theory of public (mass) opinion—the theory that masses do not develop political opinions of their own but,
instead, look to elites for cues about what issues are relevant to their class interests. Mass opinion looks organized only because it
mirrors elite opinion

Another venue is required for examining how Selznick’s early works go much, much further in the genre of elite theory toward gluing
together an ontology of “invisible” and “conspiratorial” politics, “oligarchic isomorphism,” and “SCADs” which other elite theorists have
been unable, or “patriotically” unwilling, to provide.

The USA PATRIOT Act 2001 has been compared to Hitler’s Reichstag Fire Decree 1933. It is also necessary to read the USA PATRIOT Acts 2001
and 2006 in conjunction with Stalin’s Article 58, the Criminal Code of the RSFSR —the legal code on “counterrevolutionary crimes” and
political repression just prior to the “great purge” in Soviet Russia; doing so makes evident the convergence in rhetoric and legislation
in the name of preserving the security of the people. Substitute the word terrorist for counterrevolutionary and a new awareness of
potential, political repression dawns.

When questioned why Joseph Goebbels purged Germany’s academic institutions of scientists defying the Nazi Party line, Hitler reputedly
retorted that society could do without a hundred years of science.

From The People’s Court and Judge Judy (not to mention Judge Christine, Judge Joe Brown, Judge Lynn Toler, Extreme Justice, Texas Justice,
and so on) to American Idol, Who’s Hot/Who’s Not, and Elimidate; from Dr. Laura to Jerry Springer to Maury Povitch; from Oprah to Dr. Phil:
Over the past decade, these and similar programs have brought an unprecedented banality to broadcast television. The programs are popular
because they are essentially Hegelian passion plays of the Master-Slave dialectic, where we, the American People, gather ritualistically to
be reassured of our place in the social order of symbolic signification. Here is the charade and spectacle where we are judged but never
tried, diagnosed but never helped; teary mea culpa you can set your watch to performed before this or that pretentiously benevolent Master
and Expert Signifiers (all authority figures, most marqueed with first names only); melodrama book ended by commercial breaks punctuating
this streaming symbolic order every 12 minutes or so, at higher frequency closer to the end of the hour.

The implicit presumption that the idealist position must make to justify its central premise that values can guide or control the
administrator is: Values can carry meanings that will be clear and unambiguous to all the parties that wish to apply them and in all the
possible situations that they will encounter. Testimony that this premise is not convincing can be found not only in philosophy, but in the
scepticism that the average citizen manifests when exhorted by those in positions of power to “Trust us, we’re professionals who have your
interests at heart [ . . . ]” and so on. Long and well-documented experience with all types of professions and leaders has disabused even
the most naïve of the belief that they can rely on such assurances.

Thus, there seems in this instance a tacit and (that much more) powerful quid pro quo: Policy makers pretend not to act, academics pretend
not to see or hear, except at some safe temporal distance with always clean hands. Moral transgressions in high public places are meanwhile
neatly circumscribed as “anomalies” (if ever they are examined) that prove the rule.

The “people” don’t merely distrust public servants because the people are not fools; the people distrust public servants because, in actual
occurrences, public servants have screwed the people over.

We may never know who or what, really, was responsible for 9/11, the Reichstag Fire, and like littered legacy of deception. But we will
surely know who is responsible for not even trying to find out, for not safeguarding the secret doctrine that 2 + 2 = 4.

Cheers; Dave

-----Original Message-----
From: Jiri Polak
Sent: April 8, 2010 2:32 AM
To: ?????????? G?afe?? G. ?. ????a & S??e??at??; wddm@world-wide-democracy.net
Cc: 'George Kambour'; 'Mario Nottas'; 'Ted Becker'; james.graham(at)unlockdemocracy.org.uk; 'tobuz'; aionita(at)ici.ro; 'Antonio
Rossin'; meta fysiko; Maria S Williamson; Myrto-Maria Ranga; 'Bernard Clayson'; 'Constantine Grapsas'; 'Chambis Kiatipis'; 'dimitris
kourkoutas'; ellinikiestia(at)yahoo.gr; 'Evita Chryssolouri'; englezos(at)sed.gr; 'Macedonia is only Greek'; 'Fanis Papakostas';
hellinonlogos(at)yahoo.gr; 'Iason Yannis Schizas (Schizas.com)'; 'Kevin Lone'; leo.kanellos(at)dsa.gr; 'Phillip Lambou'; pissano(at)
otenet.gr; 'Panayote Dimitras'; 'Rembor, Eva'; 'Ronald Pabst - Mehr Demokratie e.V.'; 'Roman Huber'; 'sophocles iliadis'; 'Solon Felous';
'Zdenek Trinkewitz'; vasilikikappa(at)hotmail.com; 'Vladimir Rott'; yannacp gianakopoulos
Subject: [WDDM] Re: 5th WDDM ( Worldwide Direct Democracy Movement) Congress related to "DD and similar initiatives by country"

Dear George and friends,
I intend to participate. For the hotel, I am prepared to spend no more than
ca 50 euro a night. (I could book the hotel myself). For those who want to
develop international contacts, I draw your attention to Prof.Becker´s
website http://last-lost-empire.com where there is also a link to the DDEV
newsletter (former Worldwide Direct Democracy newsletter). From Czech
Republic, there might be one or two more persons coming to Athens. (Not yet
Sincerely, Jiri Polak
----- Original Message -----
From: "Δικηγορικό Γραφείο Γ. Λ. Κόκκα & Συνεργατών" <geoko(at)otenet.gr>
To: <wddm@world-wide-democracy.net>
Cc: "'George Kambour'" <gcamb(at)cs.ntua.gr>; "'Mario Nottas'"
<manottas(at)ilsp.gr>; "'Ted Becker'" <becketl(at)auburn.edu>; "'Jiri Polak'"
<jiri.polak(at)swipnet.se>; <james.graham(at)unlockdemocracy.org.uk>; "'tobuz'"
<tobuz(at)libero.it>; <aionita(at)ici.ro>; "'Antonio Rossin'" <rossin(at)tin.it>;
"meta fysiko" <metafysiko(at)hotmail.com>; "Maria S Williamson"
<mariaswilliamson(at)msn.com>; "Myrto-Maria Ranga" <mmranga(at)hotmail.com>;
"'Bernard Clayson'" <bernard-clayson(at)shuartfarm.fsnet.co.uk>; "'Constantine
Grapsas'" <cg(at)aimmachines.com>; "'Chambis Kiatipis'"
<kiatipis1(at)spidernet.com.cy>; "'dimitris kourkoutas'"
<dkourkoutas(at)hotmail.com>; <ellinikiestia(at)yahoo.gr>; "'Evita Chryssolouri'"
<evchryssoloures(at)agiaparaskevi.gr>; <englezos(at)sed.gr>; "'Macedonia is only
Greek'" <emporion(at)otenet.gr>; "'Fanis Papakostas'" <fmak(at)otenet.gr>;
<hellinonlogos(at)yahoo.gr>; "'Iason Yannis Schizas (Schizas.com)'"
<iason.schizas(at)schizas.com>; "'Kevin Lone'" <kevin.lone(at)wanadoo.fr>;
<leo.kanellos(at)dsa.gr>; "'Phillip Lambou'" <plambou(at)gensis.com.au>;
<pissano(at)otenet.gr>; "'Panayote Dimitras'" <panayote(at)greekhelsinki.gr>;
"'Rembor, Eva'" <Rembor(at)athen.goethe.org>; "'Ronald Pabst - Mehr Demokratie
e.V.'" <ronald.pabst(at)mehr-demokratie.de>; "'Roman Huber'"
<roman.huber(at)mehr-demokratie.de>; "'sophocles iliadis'"
<sophoiliadis(at)yahoo.com>; "'Solon Felous'" <solon-felous(at)ffgplatinum.com>;
"'Zdenek Trinkewitz'" <trinkewitz2(at)volny.cz>; <vasilikikappa(at)hotmail.com>;
"'Vladimir Rott'" <vjr(at)vjrott.com>; "yannacp gianakopoulos"
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 5:06 AM
Subject: 5th WDDM ( Worldwide Direct Democracy Movement) Congress related to
"DD and similar initiatives by country"

Dear DD colleagues,

We try to organize the 5th WDDM Congress next September (15-19, 2010)in
Greece, as we celebrate this year the 10th anniversary of WDDM
establishment here, but we have not noticed a serious interest for
participation ( only a few DD supporters expressed their interest yet). Please notice your interest for participation in the next
10 days, the
possible topics of the agenda that you wish to be set and discussed
among us, the amount of money (in Euro) that each one could spend for
accommodation, participation etc. (in order to find the appropriate hotels
near the Congress Halls etc.) and proposals for fundraising (as we
had Arnot Consultants from California as Sponsors of our Congress in
year 2000).
Please have a look at our sites: http://www.world-wide-democracy.net/navigation_help.php

Best regards

George L. Kokkas
N.G.O Forum for Citizens’ Democracy
Ippokratous str. 42 – GR-10680 Athens
Tel.: +30 2103648300 - Fax: +30 2103610882
e-mail : geoko(at)otenet.gr
web: www.dimopolis.gr

-----Original Message-----
From: M. Kolar [wddm(at)mkolar.org]
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 1:56 PM
To: wddm@world-wide-democracy.net
Subject: [WDDM] Fwd: Re: About "DD and similar initiatives by country"


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: About "DD and similar initiatives by country"
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2010 21:49:05 +0900
From: StrayGhost <justastrayghost(at)gmail.com>
To: wddm(at)mkolar.org


I am Adrian Richhill / Oka Yuki Adrian.
I would let You know a great news from Japan.
There are borning the Japanese direct democracy party, the Japanese party of Internet DEmocracy (J-IDE) !

We want to cooperate with the Swedish AktivDemokrati, Demoex and with the Hungarian IDE. What do You think about the idea to organize the
Direct Democracy International? We would be able to sent our delegation to Europe at the latest in the summer.

Best wishes:
Oka Yuki Adrian / Hajdu-Oka Jűki Adorján / 岡裕樹黎都

2009/10/20 Miroslav Kolar <wddm(at)mkolar.org <

I'll add those links.
I've neglected updating my pages recently because they need thorough
overhaul, which I hope will finally be done soon, and then everybody
will be able to adds links to various DD resources directly.

----- Message from justastrayghost(at)gmail.com
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2009 08:16:37 -0400
From: <justastrayghost(at)gmail.com> Subject: About "DD and similar initiatives by country"
To: wddm(at)mkolar.org <

I would complement the list of "DD and similar initiatives by
country" ( http://democracy.mkolar.org/DDlinks.html#J ) by the

The party of Internet DEmocracy, Hungary

AktivDemokrati, Sweden

Best wishes:
Adrian Richhill

----- End message from justastrayghost(at)gmail.com

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