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01973: Re: [WDDM] Restructuring the Global Economy

From: "Ted Becker" <becketl(at)auburn.edu>
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2008 20:39:05 -0600
Subject: Re: [WDDM] Restructuring the Global Economy

Hello Annette and Martin, whoever you are.

I have read about the National Economic System with some interest. I'd
say that most the economic part of my political economic theory is in
close accord with the principles thereof...and I elaborate on a lot of
them (but hardly all) in my forthcoming book The Last, Lost Empire: Why
America Flounders in Early Post Imperial Tilmes and How to Transform the
Future Political Economy.

Luckily, this is an online book (500+ pages)...purchased online, one
gets the book online with all the internet bells and whistles (photos,
videos, music, powerpoints, slideshows, youtubes, websites,
hyperlinks)--plus a downloadable e-book,an interactive book blog, and,
if one wants, a free paperback...bound with designed cover. HOWEVER,
and this is the key....once we start marketing it...we can continue to
change it after the book is in use. And the readers can suggest
additions, clarifications, new website, cartoons, whatever....plus
organizational forums...like WDDM.

So, I am sending this onto my co-author...but I'm gonna be polishing up
the chapter on economic changes and may well cite your theory and work
as well...and link the book to some of your websites. What are they?

FYI: in it we are proposing a THird U.S. Bank....but one Hamilton would
be less enthused about than the First and Second...since big (mostly NY)
bankers would only have one/third of the seats on the Board....and small
bankers and credit unions and pesnion funds would control a third. "The
Parliament" would have the other third....but not just legislators. We
include government accountants, chairs of the banking, commerce and
labor committes in the Pariiament as well. And, oh, one of our Houses
is chosen like Citizens Assemblies and works in much the same way. We
call that Direct Deliberative Democracy or D3.

So, whether you like it or not, I will be linking to your work...and
including some of your ideas in the text. I spend a lot of time early
in the book discussing the VonMIses......Marxist continuum, but also the
democratic....oligarchy one as well

In the middle is what Aristotle would have called "The Most Practicable
Political Economy," i.e., The Golden Mean.



"Annette and Martin" <ajackson123(at)bigpond.com> 12/12/2008 5:34:15
PM >>>

The cause of the current economic crisis:
Refer to The Money Masters (2005) and what Larry Bates of former banker
(a bank president for 11 years)a member of the Tennessee house of
representatives( he chaired the committee on banking and commerce,a
professor of economics,and the author of the best seller book The New
Economic Disorder, states wealth is not lost it is merely transferred,
so recently there has 46 Trillion Dollars plus transferred.

Global warming is also apart of the game, the Rothschild and the
Rockefeller foundations, they funded the earliest earth watch summons.

Human wellness isn't part of the game, globalisation is, and reduction
of the human population is.

Work towards a global money system, they first have to destroy nation
state money systems first, sending them broke.

People have know for over a decade of what was coming:

Some answers to important questions-Answers by John Seale

How can you control interest rates?
By allowing the nation's Central Bank to trade in competition with the
Trading Banks and by ensuring that the Central Bank is under the direct
control of the Parliament.Then in effect parliament controls interest
rates.Also the Central Bank legislation bans trading in the nation's

How can you control inflation?
Ensure that the Central Bank is the major emitter of new money and that
such emissions are only for productive purposes - infrastructure,
health, education, financing manufacturing and primary
industries.Legislate against any bank financing speculation and

How can you control your currency against other countries?Fix the
exchange rate with each trading partner through a series of Bi-lateral
agreements from time to time.

Can you print too much money?
Theoretically, no, provided the emission of new money is tied to
productive purposes and national assets in the form of infrastructure
owned by the Country.

If you paid,tomorrow all the people of the world a living income what
effect would this have on the economy?
The USA would become the basket case, China would have to redirect its
massive export of manufactures towards its own people, and countless
other adjustments of monumental proportions would take place in all
other countries; but in summary, I think that the end effect would be a
decided improvement compared to the present where industrialists prey on
cheap labour to increase profits.Henry Carey in his Harmony of Interests
on the issue of 'cheap labor is expensive labor'.

What importance's is an economic balance?
But if you refer to an 'economic balance' as being a complete harmony
between primary industries and manufacturing coupled with provision of a
high standard of education and national wellness plus first class
infrastructure; then that form of 'economic balance' is highly

The equilibrium of money is this important?
Not to a National System economist! But it is the holy grail of
Classical economists.

Your proposed model of money flow?
Intra-national only. Forbid the export of the nation's currency.

In countries such as the Russian Republic, Poland or Brazil where the
printing presses run full tilt to pay for government operations, money
supply is expanding rapidly and the currency becomes rapidly worthless
compared to goods and services it can buy?
Creation of new money should largely be the province of the nation's
Central Bank and there should be a strict policy to issue it for new
infrastructure and for other productive purposes. i.e. not for
refinancing, gambling or speculation.

The Home Market
Local exchange is better than foreign exchange,it is more
desirable,more economical,more profitable,more beneficial to
workers,producers,consumers. It is is a more efficent allocation of
resourses where domestic production is in close harmony with domestic
consumption.The home market for productions of earth and manufactures,is
of more importance than all the foreign ones,even in countries which
carry an immense foreign commerce.Thus wealth is a function of the
productive powers of a nation.The national wealth consists of the
nation's ability to consume current material goods ('consumption power')
and the nation's sovereignty and independence.Individual wealth consists
of an individual's health,wealth,security and happiness.Productive
powers as consisting of the mental and physical powers of the
individuals;from social,municipal,and political conditions and
institutions;from natural resources;from the instruments it prosseses
for mental and bodily exertions

What is National Systems Economics

This system puts people and the nation first
Real measures of increasing the wealth of the nation
Below are the measures


W-Wealth,F-Function,PP-Productive Powers,So-Social,NI-National
Interest,PI-Private Investment,HC-Human Capital,WF-Work Force,HM-Home
Market,x-exports,m-imports,Sa-Savings and ND-National Determination

The Economic Spectrum
If we were to draw a line constructing the range of types of economic
systems,then on the extreme right of the spectrum of economics is
'laissez-faire',on the extreme left is the Command model,but in the
middle is National Systems Economics.

At the extreme left of the spectrum is located the Command model -for
example Soviet Russia or Nazi Germany-a system for total government
control,such as communist or nazism.
Features of such economies are: the 5 year plan,setting of
prices,elimination of personal choice,a war economy.

People behind communism theory
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
National Socialist German Workers Party for the Nazism theory

On the extreme right,is the laissez-faire or libertarian model.
Here private wants working through the forces of demand and supply and
the profit motive,determine the allocation of resources.
Contemporary examples of laissez-faire would include:deregulated
banking,privatization of infrastructure, privatized money supply,free
trade,privatized prisons,hospitals,education and law enforcement.

People behind laissez-faire theory.
Adam Smith-Wealth Of Nations
Jeremy Bentham-Pursuing pleasure and avoiding pain.
Thomas Malthus-The fine balance between population and economic
David Ricardo-Three competing classes,landowners,labourers and
John Stuart Mills-Arguing for market forces.

In the centre of the spectrum,is National System Economics
This is a school of economics arguing for private enterprise,and the
nation state with sovereign control over its own economic destiny.
Its purposes a dirigist state in which the national government
facilitates the construction of national infrastructure,funded from a
central bank 'national credit',as opposed to taxes or private bank
Private enterprise provides the muscle,does the work,and individuals
reap the benefit.

People behind National System Economics theory
Friedrich List-National system of political economy
Daniel Raymond- The elements of political economy
John Rae-Prinicples
Henry Clay-The harmony of interests
Erasmus Peshine Smith-A manual of political economy
Alexandra Hamilton-Public credit and national banking
David Symes-Outline of an industrial science.
Don Veitch and John Seale-National system economics:The executive

Regards Martin
----- Original Message -----
From: Vijayaraghavan Padmanabhan
To: wddm
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 10:26 PM
Subject: [WDDM] Restructuring the Global Economy

Dear fellow members of WDDM,
The following article could be of interest to many:



Vijayaraghavan Padmanabhan

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