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00832: There is Power ---- and than there is POWER

From: "Bruce Eggum" <bruce.eggum(at)gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2006 23:39:16 -0600
Subject: There is Power ---- and than there is POWER

This article exposes the real power running our world. We people of the world can together restore real power to the habitants of this earth. It will take all the CYBER tools we can find, all the VIDEO, all the printed handouts we can deliver. Meetings and lots of discussion. But we could do it.  Please go to this URL and read the whole article.
uniting -------bruce

Global Research Feature Article

URL of this article: http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=SAL20070114&articleId=4034

The World's Mastermind: The Hidden Face of Globalization
A view from Argentina

by Adrian Salbuchi, December 2, 2006
www.eltraductorradial.com.ar (original Spanish)

This article is a summary of the key points set forth in the Author's book published in , "El Cerebro del Mundo: la cara oculta de la Globalización " (Ediciones del Copista, Córdoba, Argentina, 4th Edition, 2003, 470 pages. and Editorial Solar, Bogotá, Colombia, 2004).

"Those who do not learn from history
are condemned to re-live it" - George Santayana

As we now have it, globalization can be defined as an ideology that identifies the Sovereign Nation-State as its key enemy, basically because the State's main function is (or should be) to prioritize the interests of the Many - i.e., "the People" - over the interests of the Few.  Accordingly, the forces of globalization seek to weaken, dissolve and eventually destroy the very foundations of the Nation-State as a basic social institution, in order to replace it with new supra-national worldwide social, political, economic, financial and military management structures.  Such structures tie in with the political objectives and economic interests of a small number of highly concentrated and very powerful groups and organizations which today drive and steer the globalization process in a very specific direction.

These power groups consist of private interests which have succeeded in achieving something that is unprecedented in all of human history, and which we describe as the privatization of power on a global scale.  

"Globalization" is actually a hypocritical understatement or euphemism 
of what former US presidents Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman and George H.W.  Bush - each at different times in modern history - described as the "New World Order". 

A New World Order!  Clearly, when former president George Bush Sr. unabashedly used that term on 11th September 1991, the Establishment quickly moved to ensure that it should not be commonly used, and in its place coined the much more neutral and seemingly harmless sounding idea of "globalization" which, nevertheless, today still has one main meaning: US-UK-Israeli Imperialism on a planetary and all-encompassing scale.  This, at least, is how a growing number of people in Argentina and in our region see things today.

Who are they?  What do they want?

The process we have described is in no way anonymous - much less, secret - because the power groups promoting and driving the New World Order are doing so in full public view: i.e., multinational corporations (e.g., the Fortune Global 500s accounting for over 80% of US economic activity); the global financial infrastructure (which includes banks, investment funds, stock exchanges and commodity market operators); multimedia monopolies; major Ivy League universities; international multilateral organizations (such as the World Bank, the IMF/International Monetary Fund, the IADB/Inter-American Development Bank, the BIS/Bank of International Settlements, the UN/United Nations and the WTO/World Trade Organization) and, most important, key government posts in the United States, Israel, the United Kingdom  and other industrialized nations.   So, we definitely do not have something that can be explained away as a "conspiracy theory".

What we have are the inner trappings and logic behind the way Power is built and managed.  What is not immediately visible is the fact that all of these players form who are part of a "Wheel of Global Power" have one thing in common: their key managers, financiers, bankers, government officers, academics, strategists, shareholders and other fundamental players all belong to the same inter-twining network of think-tanks and lobbying organizations.  This network forms a common hub that steers the wheel of world power on its present destructive course. 

Among these key think-tanks - which should actually be described as geopolitical planning centers -, the role of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Trilateral Commission (TC), the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), the Brookings Institution, the RAND Corporation, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), the American Israeli Political Action Committee (AIPAC), and the Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS), amongst others, are of vital importance. 

Bruce Eggum, Gresham Wisconsin, USA
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