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00802: Re: [WDDM] Elite, the old frontier

From: "Pras Anand" <pras_anand(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2006 22:08:21 -0000
Subject: Re: [WDDM] Elite, the old frontier

I'm not trying to sustain inequality, more mention that we cannot live
without inequality. We must fold it into our understanding.

"This is historically false. Mankind has lived without casts and elites
for most of his life. If the history of the human race began at
midnight, then we would now be almost at the end of our first day. We
lived as hunter-gatherers for nearly the whole of that day, from
midnight through dawn, noon, and sunset.
Finally, at 11:54 p.m., we adopted agriculture. And with agricolture
cames the surplus and the necessity to defend it and distribute it. Thus
casts and parassites like policemen and judges and kings on top (usually
with a special relationship with god-whatever this may ever mean). So it
went. We're now living this social stratification and justify it (thanks
to the same casts who, of course, have no interests in sharing their
benefits) but it's only 6 minutes ago that it started, while for the
rest of the day we've lived in societies without inequalities."

What is the alpha male? It is the male that is stronger, bigger, whatever
and the only dna to be spread by males in the group is that of the Alpha
male. This has been around much longer than the human being and is an
example of a succesful system

Another successful system is the colony. One queen, 1000's of drones. Those
drones are all equal and this works because a) they are identical and b)
they have no need for individual will.

Humans have elements of these two examples but were never equal. Men and
Women are rarely equal. We need chiefs, warriors, thinkers, healers, nurses
etc. The "pre=history" of man was not an equal scenario either. Constant
power struggles between clans, casts, tribes, kingdoms, empires etc.

Nature is not based on equality - it's based on overall equilibrium. It's
mildly off topic, but it's worth going into because it is one of the core
flaws of a democracy in my opinion. People aren't equal, this is a natural
mechanism of evolution through varience.

If everyone has an equal vote and therefore equal decision-making capacity
in the world that would be a great step from where we are now. I'm just
saying that it's not the be all and end all. Today our vote means nothing.

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