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00214: Re: Another application

From: Antonio Rossin <rossin(at)tin.it>
Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2005 05:07:41 +0200
Subject: Re: Another application

At 3:14 -0600 29-04-2005, webmaster wrote:
comment within 5 days.
Do we need some more information from him?
It really makes little sense to have an aproval process if we do not
have any information about the applicant anyway.
So, take in anybody after all???????
* This is a request from
* to become a WDDM member
I'm  Giorgio Menon from Italy and i'd like to learn more about  Direct
Democracy  from the WDDM community.
Best regards


Unlike others, I do not think that Giorgio Menon's (tonguessy)
wish to learn is sincere. I've found him totally dogmatic-inflexible
about his deep convictions - but he uses a "questioning" approach
to enter any other's arguments, and changing proposals, trying to
debunk them in favour of  his theocratic conservative view of the
world.  He looks like an Internet activist of the Catholic religious
sect called "Opus Dei", as he seems to know everything in advance.

Let me quote, from another list:
At 7:21 +0000 28-04-2005, Giorgio Menon "tonguessy" wrote:
> Justin:
>   Without ideas having any real meaning, as you suggest,
> that is being made up of words that are essentially
> arbitrarily recognized by the understanding, and put together
> differently by each individual we no not then what it is that
> the communicator has intended therefore making communication
> impossible, and ideas as projected from the mind to the mouth
> so to speak, (no pun) also meaningless.
>   I only ask this then, how is it possible for us to converse

> at all, if we simply have our own little interpretations of
> what things mean as they are meant to be used in language?

according the principle of duality ideas have both meaning

and no meaning at all. It all depends on the context. In the
thinker's mind they do have meaning. But no thinker can ever
make such ideas plausible for others. In fact you still think
that i'm raving. It's all perfectly normal. Maybe if you liked
E.Jonesco "Bald Soprano".....
> Tonguessy:
>  It all belongs to a personal interpretation (personal
> background, preferences, needs etc...).
> Justin:

>  Again this is an absolute statement describing an ultimate
> relative notion.  Take for instance "We can know nothing." 
> Well how then could we know that we can know nothing if we
> can not know anything at all.  You see, I'm just a bit
> confused by this Tonguessy, I'm not trying to pick on you,
> just not quite understanding how it is possible for you to
> say what you say here.  If what makes sense is a personal
> interpretation, than there is no definable 'what' at all,
> and every stroke of the keys is simply a waste of energy,
> and even Darwin wouldn't allow that.  There is a certain
> definable way to build a guitar, or other stringed instrument,
> (I myself play a woodwind). Think about the notes, is there
> not a certain at least degree of tolerance before a B becomes
> a G, well at least on a saxophone?  What if I was to interpret
> G as B?  I probably would have a hard time conparing this
> to written music, more over I wouldn't be able to accurately
> communicate the composer's idea very well either. 

Ok, Justin. I see a honest question, so i try to explain.
Again "we can know nothing" is the first half. The second half
is "we can know everything". Don't try to put an either-or here.
You are very close to this truth when you say that "there is no
definable 'what' at all, and every stroke of the keys is simply
a waste of energy". Energy time and space are one thing. Human
actions are a waste of energy, a waste of time and a waste

of space. And its exact opposite. When you try to define "what"
that same "what" becomes a different thing. That's why it cannot
be communicated.
As Lao Tse said: "the real Tao cannot be described: what can

be described is not the real Tao". A couple of millennia later
S.Beckett wrote his play "Waiting for Godot" and E.Jonesco
wrote "Bald Soprano". There are general rules (symmetries) for
building an instrument. Yet you must admit that there are cheap
and expensive instruments. These latter have a higher quality.
So, despite their appearence, they are DIFFERENT! To be more
precise any instrument is unique. Again, another duality:
classical guitars (for example) are all equal AND are all
different. There are both similarities and differences, always.
You wrote: "I wouldn't be able to accurately communicate the
composer's idea". Would you be able to accurately communicate

any other person's ideas?  How would you know it?

Best regards



Nevertheless, I think of Democracy it shall learn how to know,
and defend itself  from , such enemies disguised as DD friends.
Therefore I am in favour for Giorgio Menon Tonguessy being
taken in, as well as every other applicant. But let's have some
information about the latter anyway.


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