This is an attempted summary of various proposals/discussion made by MiKolar on June 6, 2006. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Re: WDDM Membership WDDM Membership is granted to all who complete the application form at (see the end of my post at,191,245#msg-245 for the discussion of the items in this form) These members (Ordinary Membes) will have access to the iterative facilities of the WDDM site (Forum and Viki), and can participate in Discussions going on there and post their materials in the Viki. There is a group of Honorary WDDM members who initiated the idea of WDDm and were instrumental in its establishement and worked to maintain WDDM through its initial stages. (To be clarified, may be controversial, these members would have no special role in the current WDDM, ther do not even have to be current members - an acknowledgement of their historical role.) There is a group of Primary members who were recognized as WDDM members as of June 1, 2006. (These is unclear what should be role for this group - it may be a controversial proposal, but it appeared and I put it in these summary.) There is a group of WDDM members who must administrate, organize and run the Organization. A most appropriate name has to be established. Suggestions: WDDM Board (MiKolar's favourite), Managing Members/Group, Executive Committee, Active Members. I'll call it "Board" for short in the rest of the text. It would be desirable if all the WDDM members could participate in the running of the organization in the true DD manner. However, the past experience shows that is is unrealistic to expect. Therefore a Board is needed. It needs to be decided how to best select the members of the Board. Proposed rules: Rule A: Only the Board Members shall have the powers to amend the Current Operating Rules or the Constitution of the WDDM. Rule B: All motions, resolutions or decisions made by the Board Members only shall have primacy over those made by the Ordinary Members or by Ordinary and Board Members. (I am not sure about this; shouldn't it be the other way round? In DD the power of all members should prevail over the power of the Board? But from the past experience this dilemma will hardly ever occur in the near future, because Ordinary members do not seem to be very active.) Rule C: Any board Member who has failed to vote at the polls on issues required of the Board Members for more than five (5) times consecutively in a continuous period of more than three (3) months without a good reason or excuse acceptable to the other Board Members shall henceforth cease to be a Board Member and shall become an Ordinary Member. Such a person shall still be eligible to apply to be an Board Member; and Rule D: A person shall cease to be a Board Member, if 75% of all the Board Members vote in favor of a motion to withdraw his Board Membership. He shall then become an Ordinary Member unless the motion expressly disallows him to be so. Rule E: Ordinary Members shall have all the rights and obligations of the Board Members save those that have been vested in the Board Members by the Current Operating Rules or the Constitution. After a three-month probational period, all Ordinary Members are eligible to be Board Members.. Transitional Rule: When this membership bylaw will become effective, all the Primary WDDM members will be considered Ordinary members, and can apply immediately to become Board Members (the waiting period of 3 months is waived - this is the only instance I see the Primary Members' introduction os useful). Becoming a WDDM Member The completion of the application form at is sufficient. Becoming a Board Member Petition (application) for Board Membership Any time after three months after becoming an Ordinary Member, one can apply for the WDDM Board Membership. If they have not done so before, the Board candidates have to give this information: Mailing address: To become a WDDM Board Member you must agree to the following: I will actively participate in WDDM, by reading Forum and other WDDM correspondence. I will post my opinion on issues. I will vote so WDDM can make decisions. I will make suggestions, proposals and other actions which help WDDM in its Goal. 1. The Board Member Application is sent to all the Board Members for review. 2. The Board Membership Application Review will be completed within XX days. 3. An applicant will be immediately accepted as a WDDM Board Member if not more than 20% of the current Board members have any objections to her/his Membership. 4. An applicant will be immediately rejected if 80% or more of the Board Members are against her/his Membership. 5. If none of 6. or 7. applies, the applicantion is suspended until a consensus (either 6. or 7.) is achieved. This is an attempted summary of various proposals/discussion made by MiKolar on June 6, 2006.