Sérgio Gregório Baierle
www.ongcidade.org - Fone: 55-51-32643386 / Mobile: 55-51-91518597
Antão de Farias, 50 - Bairro Bom Fim
90035-386 Porto Alegre - RS
Message: 2
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2005 14:02:03 +0100
From: "Eduardo Marques"
<edumarques (at) mail.telepac.pt>
Subject: Fw: [PB] participatory budgeting and adult education
Well dear friends
Windows openned and I'm venting rather invigorating realities from far away
PB is is a strong way to change to and improve cooperative ways of relating
and problem solving.
"Participation does make better citizens..."
----- Original Message -----
From: "Daniel Schugurensky"
<dschugurensky (at) oise.utoronto.ca>
<participatorybudgeting (at) topica.com>
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 4:09 PM
Subject: Re: [PB] participatory budgeting and adult education
Dear Kate,
In addition to what Sergio mentioned in relation to the PB in schools in
Porto Alegre, the municipality of Sao Paulo (with Marta Suplicy as mayor
and the PT as municipal gov't) has experimented with PB in elementary
schools (OP Crianca, or Children's PB), with very good results. As far as
I know, there are very few experiences of PB in elementary schools. The OP
Crianca is likely to be discontinued this year, as the PT was not
In relation to your second question, the sustained adult learning element,
the NGO CIDADE has some experience with non-formal education and capacity
building for PB. Probably Sergio can say something about it. In my view,
this is an area of PB that needs more sustained work.
Your third question is particularly relevant and fascinating, at least to
me, because it is the topic of my research. Jane Mansbridge published an
article in the mid-1990s entitled precisely 'Does Participation Make
Better Citizens?'. In the first paragraph of the article, she says:
"Participation does make better citizens. I believe it, but I can't prove
it. And neither can anyone else. The kinds of subtle changes in character
that come about, slowly, from active, powerful participation in democratic
decisions cannot easily be measured with the blunt instruments of social
science. Those who have actively participated in democratic governance,
however, often feel that the experience has changed them. And those who
observe the active participation of others often believe that they see its
longrun effects on the citizens' character."
Today, 10 years later, we still don't have a great deal of systematic
empirical evidence about the changes experienced by PB participants,
individually and collectively, although we have plenty of anecdotal
evidence. In my own research on PB in Porto Alegre and Montevideo, I
interviewed almost 100 participants and developed 56 indicators of
learning and change. My preliminary data indicates that the PB is indeed a
powerful space for the development of democratic knowledge, skills,
attitudes, values and behaviours, including the development of political
efficacy among traditionally marginalized groups. If there are others in
this network looking at the areas of indicators and changes experienced by
participants, it would be great to exchange ideas.
Best regards,
Daniel Schugurensky, Toronto
<Kate.Newman (at) actionaid.org> on Friday, April 1, 2005 at 5:18 AM -0500 wrote:
Hi everyone,
I've just joined this list-serv, so let me introduce myself quickly. I
have been working with the international NGO ActionAid International for
seven years, primarily in the area of adult education, focusing
specifically on adult numeracy.
I am now just starting a part-time PhD where I want to look at links
between engagement with education/school budgets, adult learning and the
impact on local democracy/civil society.
I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction to
answering any of these questions:
1. Does anyone know of any PB projects which link to school budgets -
and parental/community involvement in school budgeting (beyond the
traditional school governor role)?
2. Does anyone know of any PB projects which include a sustained adult
learning element (beyond the one off budget literacy workshops)?
3. I am sure that there must be many evaluation studies which
illustrate the link between PB and a stronger more active civil society -
can anyone share any of these with me - or tell me where I could find
them. (what I am interested in is detailed research on the long term
democratic impact, and the sorts of indicators which have been used to
illustrate this).
Please feel free to come back to me with any questions or comments,
Many thanks
ActionAid's vision is a world without poverty in which every person can
exercise their right to a life of dignity. Registered Charity No. 274467
Message: 3
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2005 13:55:53 +0100
From: "Eduardo Marques"
<edumarques (at) mail.telepac.pt>
Subject: Fw: [PB] PB Symposium in Porto Alegre
So participatory experiences can be o source of financing from World Bank,
for comproved good results in development.
----- Original Message -----
From: "George Matovu"
<gmatovu (at) mdpafrica.org.zw>
To: <participatorybudgeting (at) topica.com>
Subject: RE: [PB] PB Symposium in Porto Alegre
Dear Adalmir Marquetti,
Thanks for your email. My name is George Matovu Regional Director of the
Municipal Development Partnership for Eastern and Southern Africa based
in Harare, Zimbabwe. We are currently initiating Participatory Budgeting
in Africa with assistance from the World Bank. We would very much
appreciate if you can share some of your papers about the subject of
participatory budgeting.
We wish to participate in the symposium you are organising in Porto
Alegre from October 3rd to 6th at PUCRS about comparative experiences
of Participatory Budgeting. I will consult my colleagues here at MDP to
prepare an abstract.
George W. Matovu
Regional Director
Municipal Development Partnership
Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office
7th Floor, Hurudza House
14-16 Nelson Mandela Avenue
Harare, Zimbabwe
Tel: 263-4-774385/6 724356
Mobile: +263-11 603 247
Fax: +263-4-774387
E-mil: <gmatovu (at) mdpafrica.org.zw>
Website: http://www.mdpafrica.org.zw/
-----Original Message-----
From: <aam (at) pucrs.br>
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 4:59 PM
To: <participatorybudgeting (at) topica.com>
Subject: [PB] PB Symposium in Porto Alegre
My name is Adalmir Marquetti. I am a Brazilian
economist from Porto Alegre. I wrote some papers
about Participatory Budgeting. I work at Pontificia
Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul, where
the two first WSF happened. Presently, I am living
in Cambridge, working in comparative experiences of
PB in Brazil.
I am organizing a Symposium that will happen in
Porto Alegre from October 3rd to 6th at PUCRS about
comparative experiences of Participatory Budgeting.
Those interested in presenting a paper should
submit the abstract to my e-mail (<aam (at) pucrs.br>)
until April 6th. Porto Alegre waits for you.
Adalmir Marquetti