There is much controversy about the name WDDM. The name is official from the original WDDM organization.
I thought this was a "new beginning" for WDDM, and although there would be changes in the process, the goals of bringing information about DD & I&R&R to the people would remain.
Mr. Sagi has now falsly accused me of hauling WDDM from list-tin-it to Yahoo. I have pointed out his error about this in the past. He also stated Giuseppe Strano was not a founding member, he was. This old WDDM business will likely drag this new effort down the tube the way the old WDDM went. Therefore:
I BrEggum do here-by make a proposal titled Proposal 1 Name Change
WDDM shall become a new orginization, with it's own mission statement, goals and a new name. All decided by the members of the Organization.
Sincerely, Bruce Eggum
An annoymous passerby made this proposal titled Proposal 2 WDDM WIKI
WDDM WIKI shall become a new orginization, with it's own mission statement, goals and a new name. All decided by the members of the new WDDM WIKI.
The "Original" WDDM documents are in the
WDDM Archive∞
Archived information prior to 20 04 05
Now apparently some of the original WDDM Folk would like to keep this new initiative separate.
Jiri Polak (related item):
If some of the original members of the WDDM do not wish to reform it according to Mirek