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There is much in COMMENTS and the latest Feb 16 2007 on Somo

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TKS, Bruce

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I am posting Martins post on Solomon Islands. Than if you want to post, log in and double click anywhere in this area. You can than write your own Blog Topic here, and people can comment directly to your topic.

John Seales latest on the Solomon Islands.
The Solomon Star is privately owned by a SI family. Increasingly it and the SIBC, which is also privately owned by locals, are coming under the influence of RAMSI. RAMSI does this under the pretext of training their journalists. Can’t see what that has to do with policing!

We can’t engage in any defensive tactics as we need to keep below Howard’s and Downer’s radar, at least til we’ve finished writing the SI economics course. And now we’re also engaged in a larger project of which the SISE course is a part. The whole is called SUM; after Alexander Hamilton’s Society for Useful Manufactures, refer: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Society_for_the_Establishment_of_Useful_Manufactures

The Solomons Useful Manufactures project is centred on new infrastructure for transport, telecommunications, and electricity from renewable resources; hydro and OTEC; refer: http://www.nrel.gov/otec/applications.html and http://www.nrel.gov/otec/what.html and from that base branching out with downstream projects that will make SI self sufficient in food, clothing and building materials.

It’s an exciting project, and the first National Systems project since Japan (1870s onwards) and Taiwan (1902 and 1945 onwards).

There is no government funded TV, radio or any other media except the PM & Cabinet website that RAMSI seems to share. Under the new IP telecommunications infrastructure we’ll make provision for a government HDTV, digital radio and news facility.

It’s increasingly tough for the Sogavare government as Australia has effectively declared war on it. The dirty front-line players in SI are the union bosses, one of whom is married to Mary-Louise O’Callaghan the Australian journalist who received a Walkley award for her work on the Sandline affair. There are paper bags stuffed with cash being offered to Sogavare’s coalition to get them to join the Opposition and the money trail leads through the Unions back to Australia. Soon there will be a motion of No Confidence moved.
-- MartinJackson (2007-02-16 20:26:42)
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Hi all,
I hope we can post lots of DD info here, ask questions, get to know each other.
ATB Bruce
-- BrEggum (2006-05-20 03:23:19)
Here in the USA, our government is being run by one party, the Republican “Neo-conservative” bunch. This is Bush’s party so The President and the Neo-conservatives “do it their way”.

My Representative is a Rep Neo-conservative, and all the letters I write come back with the response appreciate your interest, but I disagree. The Congress won’t even conduct an independent investigation of the many wrongs being committed.

Recently we found out that Bush and his bunch have collected all kinds of records on millions of US citizens. Phone records, health records, financial records, all compiled by an independent corporation, funded by the government. Obviously it is against the law for the government to spy on its citizens, but the Corporation seems to be allowed to and than the gov buys the results. Hire a spy guy, on our Tax money yet.

Yes, we need a National I&R system with a Binding Referendum. Hope we can get it working before we are all locked in the many jails being built. Uff Da
Bruce Eggum, WI USA
-- BrEggum (2006-05-20 03:45:27)
Congress has done nothing! That is why I&R is vital in the USA and ALL Nations, as well as communities.
I get this message to call congress. THEY know what they are required to do. But they don't do it. WE must have the power to demand investigations when needed!

Since 2001, President Bush authorized the NSA, the world's largest spy agency, to bypass federal law and monitor the phone calls and e-mails of ordinary Americans without a court order. This surveillance program allows electronic monitoring without any proof provided to a court that the person being spied upon in this country is a suspected terrorist. The Justice Department has dropped its investigation of this NSA spying program because investigators were denied appropriate security clearances. Now is the time for Congress to investigate the NSA spying program and disclose information about any other potentially illegal programs initiated by the Bush Administration.
Demand a full investigation of the NSA spying program. Call your members of Congress today!
-- BrEggum (2006-05-21 02:19:24)
Democracy endangered by Global Unions?

Human Events writes of the “American Union” and the concern of the US dictating to the other nations of this Union.

I warned of this, years back on my old website. The warning was made from a map compiled by Gary H. Kah, published by Huntington House Publishers. It is derived from a Club of Rome report published by Readers Digest in 1974.
We are indeed being manipulated by the World Trade Association.
Please go to: http://www.doinggovernment.com Enter, click Global, than Global Hierarchy.

Direct Democracy relies on our “head” to be a Confederated organization, so we may follow up the chain of command from our communities, yet retain our sovereignty. Without this, we are the victims of dictatorship. Federalism allows too much power in the head and we must avoid this. We must continually confront those who would rule the world as dictators
The people of the European Union are having major problems with this very issue. We need a World Direct Democracy Movement, which will gather the people of the World. We must act together to resist any action which will interfere with our personal sovereignty or our Nations sovereignty.

An article here on the effects of Globalization on our sovereignty.

Yes we must work in our own communities. But we must be aware of the whole affair and do what we can there too. BrEggum Wisconsin USA
-- BrEggum (2006-05-27 02:15:27)
Bruce, here is a quote from the page at http://www.humaneventsonline.com/article.php?id=15017 you mention in your comment:
>>... stated clearly the view that the North American Union would need a super-regional governance board to make sure the United States does not dominate the proposed North American Union once it is formed<<
Actually, if this could be really achieved, it would be much better for Canada than the current state of affairs when the US really dominates the region, and often disregards the decisions of NAFTA dispute panels (e.g. soft-wood dispute with Canada), and has the tendency to play strickly by the rules ONLY if it is advantagous for US. (By the we were not much informed here that our former prime minister entered into these negotiations on a North-American Union, I heard about it just a few days ago for the first time, they were sort of hiding it, many people here would be against it, also being afraid of the further loss of the - Canadian - sovereignty :-) )
So we need an even better approach as you suggest, a Global (Direct) Democracy built on principles of equality. But it will take time to get it ...
-- MiKolar (2006-05-27 02:36:16)
No special markup is needed, but you have to start the link with http:// or https:// or ftp:// or mailto://, etc.
You can put a coma, or dot, colon, etc right after the link's URL (without a space), otherwise the URL is terminated by a space.
For example: http://www.world-wide-democracy.net, http://democracy.mkolar.org, http://d2dz.stevemagruder.com/, etc.
-- WddmAdmin (2006-06-02 14:32:52)
If you woke up this morning -------------

If you woke up this morning
with more health than illness,
you are more blessed than the
million who won't survive the week.

If you have never experienced
the danger of battle,
the loneliness of imprisonment,
the agony of torture or
the pangs of starvation,
you are ahead of 20 million people
around the world.

If you attend a church meeting
without fear of harassment,
arrest, torture, or death,
you are more blessed than almost
three billion people in the world.

If you have food in your refrigerator,
clothes on your back, a roof over
your head and a place to sleep,
you are richer than 75% of this world.

If you have money in the bank,
in your wallet, and spare change
in a dish someplace, you are among
the top 8% of the world's wealthy.

If your parents are still married and alive,
you are very rare,
especially in the United States.

If you hold up your head with a smile
on your face and are truly thankful,
you are blessed because the majority can,
but most do not.

If you can hold someone's hand, hug them
or even touch them on the shoulder,
you are blessed because you can
offer God's healing touch.

If you can read this message,
you are more blessed than over
two billion people in the world
that cannot read anything at all.

You are so blessed in ways
you may never even know.

author unknown
-- BrEggum (2006-06-02 19:18:46)
Direct Democracy (DD) has POWER !!

The US Supreme Court decided that Corporations had the same right as Citizens to file Initiative and Referendum petitions. But finally DD says NO !!

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Voters in Humboldt County, California, passed Measure T, an innovative ballot initiative repealing the legal status of corporations as 'persons', limiting corporate influence on politics, on Tuesday, June 6, 2006

Shortly after the Civil War, corporations usurped "personhood" legally (the US Supreme Court ruled) to have the same rights as citizens.

"This is more than an issue of campaign finance reform -- it's a major step in the movement to bring real democracy to our political system," said Forrest Hill, Green candidate for California Secretary of State. "Measure T is a model for other towns, cities, counties, and states to restore the original purpose of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which was to ensure equal protection under the law to human beings, not to corporations, which are artificial legal creations."

<eggy> Corporations are not "human". Corporations cannot be sentenced to jail for their crimes.

The people of Humboldt County did with DD what the US Congress failed to do, confront a US Supreme Court decision. Now we have the example and must use it to advance democracy throughout our Nation...>

For more on Measure T, visit
http://www.gp.org/press/pr_2006_06_01.shtm∞, (Green Party release, June 1)
http://www.votelocalcontrol.org∞, (Humboldt Coalition for Community Rights: Yes on Measure T) and
http://www.duhc.org∞, (Democracy Unlimited of Humboldt County)
Text of Ordinance http://www.votelocalcontrol.org/ordinance_text.htm∞,
-- BrEggum (2006-06-14 02:12:26)
-- BrEggum (2006-06-14 02:41:52)
Something of interest l spoke John Seale the one founders of the David Symes Organisation which l spoke about in my talk about myself on my home page,about four years ago them meet with a fellow from the Solomon Islands who showed an interest in what they were doing.
With all the turmoil he has know become the prime minister of the Solomon Islands, and has approached John Seale & Don Veitch to advise & use there system of economics(called National System Of Economics)to train & help their country, which quite is amazing,there are some major challenges there with only able 30% literacy in the country,it's going to be interesting,
Regards Martin Jackson
-- MartinJackson (2006-06-18 16:37:05)
Thank you Martin,
I hope WDDM can help. Perhaps some of the people can access these pages of WDDM. Mirek is handily providing translation for many languages and they may be able to communicate a bit to find alternatives. Please let us know if we can help in the area of developing DD for them.
All the Best, Bruce Eggum
-- BrEggum (2006-06-18 22:25:46)
Hi Martin,
I put a link to your note above into the WDDM Wiki News.
The name of their new prime minister is: Manasseh Sogavare
His photo is e.g.here: http://www.worldpress.org/Asia/2361.cfm (together with his critique of the Australian intervention into the internal matters of Solomon Islands).
The web page of the Office of the Solomon Islands PM is here: http://www.pmc.gov.sb - no mention about the National System Of Economics yet
-- WddmAdmin (2006-06-19 14:39:31)
Dear friends and world citizens,
The date for the 1st Virtual Congress on World Citizenship and Democratic Global Governance is approaching.
You can read the papers at the Congress site (http://www.worldunitydays.net/1st_Congress.html), but remember that you will need to register to be able to participate in the discussions that will start on July 1st and go on until July 31, 2006.
If you have not yet registered, please do so now, so I can help you with any difficulty you may encounter. You can write directly to me at jllortga@gmail.com.
Please spread news about the Congress among your colleagues and friends. I am sure this is a truly important opportunity to learn from each other and advance our ideas and strategies for achieving democratic global governance.
I look forward to meeting you all virtually at the Congress.

Best regards,

Josep Ll. Ortega
-- BrEggum (2006-06-24 11:33:26)
Dam dirty demons demonstrate drastic demolition destroying data.
I do not believe these are "meth freaks", why would meth freaks put private info on the web? I believe this is some of those neo-conservative republo-crats nuts-ed out on thier own ego.

Liberty! Yes, Liberty is our life, without it we are as well as dead. Liberty allows us to think and inquire and act in accordance with laws which we have established. These laws describe our Liberty, which allow us to interact and live together.
Michael Ruppert has reported Monday, June 26, 2006
Urgent Message From Mike Ruppert
Between the hours of 7:30 P.M. Sunday, June 25 and 7:30 A.M., Monday, June 26, the FTW offices were burglarized. Four interior doors were smashed with a sledgehammer. All seven FTW computers were transported to a central location in the building. Their covers were removed and they were also smashed with a sledgehammer. No other significant property was taken and there was no other damage to any other fixtures or furnishings.

An active police investigation is underway with a named suspect. I do not believe that this incident was the work of the U.S. government. I do believe that this is the work of an organized meth ring that I prevented from infiltrating my business. As Dmitri Orlov has noted in Post-Soviet Lessons for a Post-American Century, when societies collapse, organized crime becomes much more assertive. As beautiful as Southern Oregon is and as happy as I am to be here, the challenges that will be facing all of us as Peak Oil hits are making themselves known.

We have ordered new computers and should be able to retrieve or restore most of our data. However more than one hard-drive will require expensive high- tech recovery processes. In all probability FTW will not be able to upload to our website for one week from today. When we come back online I will have a more complete story with photographs. Please do not send emails. We cannot read them.

Michael C. Ruppert
When another Liberty lover and activist is attacked, we need to join together to rebuild and to resist these people who are hell bent on destroying our Nation.

I find my personal information from my subscription to From the Wilderness is now on the first page I Google for Bruce Eggum. I guess they think if they expose us Liberty Lovers to the world, we will suffer. Well, that is a crock! We will stand up to this aggression and win!

There is much information leading to the conclusion that the republican administration is destroying our Liberty. We need to have all the information available to determine if our Nation is being run according to our Constitution and our best interests. We demand accurate media, we demand our Liberty!
All the Best LIBERTY, Bruce

Bruce Eggum Gresham Wisconsin, USA
Check out my Blog too
-- BrEggum (2006-06-28 19:06:35)
"The Libyans are keen to tell the world about their DD experiment. They admit
that their system is still evolving and is not perfect at all but they want
people to study and evaluate their system."
Because of the image that has been protrayed by the media and Western Governements of Muammar Gadafi the President it is hard to get in my head of him being a democrat, especially the way he has his image everywhere.
I am interested in the groups thoughts on him.
I read have material by John Pilger about how he was falsey accused of actions in Britain,which covert intelligence forces were behind.
-- CPE-58-167-198-51.sa.bigpond.net.au (2006-07-22 19:56:02)
I am also still not sure at all about what is real situation in Libya. Have a look at our Libyan links page, http://www.world-wide-democracy.net/Wiki/LibyaLinks, where you can find more, also serious criticism.
-- WddmAdmin (2006-07-23 19:13:54)
Proposed world Parliament-How would it work,and might it not be playing into the Multi-Nationals way of thinking of One big global governement,
the one thing that the David Symes group taught me is the home market is the most important,the more you can trade within your own country the better it is for your country,and that if the United Nations was reformed where it was Democratic where all countries had equal voting rights, and where countries had baises they are excluded from voting on pacific topics
Interested in your thoughts
-- (2006-08-02 17:31:09)
Some of the latest on the Solomon Islands,it is regularly making the Australian media.
Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare does have good support from the people and particularly in the Provinces where there are 83% of the population. Unfortunately PIG "Privileged Industry Groups" has all the usual bases covered, e.g. the radio broadcasting network, the main newspaper, the judiciary, the police, the central bank, the treasury and finance department and some key NGOs "National Government Organisations". Otherwise Sogavare’s guys control the streets and have high respect in the church networks, which in SI are strongly Christian.
He is also now drawing on our ideas and has some good personal staff to support him. Also the SoCred party is going from strength to strength. SoCred has gone from a parliamentary representation last May of 4 including Manasseh, to just under an absolute majority (without counting the 2 in jail). Exciting times eh!
It’s a difficult situation in SI for the new (Sogavare) government that are intent upon nation building and all the things we stand for. The previous government that was riddled with corruption, including the governor general, was being, and to a large degree continues, to be nurtured and protected by RAMSI. And it gets worse! RAMSI ARE the military, they control the police, prisons and the judiciary plus they have gatekeepers in the dept of finance, the treasury and the central bank.
So far RAMSI has arrested 3 of Sogavare’s cabinet ministers, two of whom are still in jail without trial, and RAMSI is doing everything possible to stop the government’s enquiry into the cause of the April riots. We know why. It’s because the blame lies directly with RAMSI. Howard wants the nation in chaos so he and Downer can open up the country for their looting friends.
So we are recommending strategies that are quite different to those you mention. Sooner or later the world will realise what Australia is really up to in the Pacific, just as Australians have woken up to the atrocity of Iraq, etc
-- MartinJackson (2006-10-29 00:48:16)
John Seales latest on the Solomon Islands.
The Solomon Star is privately owned by a SI family. Increasingly it and the SIBC, which is also privately owned by locals, are coming under the influence of RAMSI. RAMSI does this under the pretext of training their journalists. Can’t see what that has to do with policing!

We can’t engage in any defensive tactics as we need to keep below Howard’s and Downer’s radar, at least til we’ve finished writing the SI economics course. And now we’re also engaged in a larger project of which the SISE course is a part. The whole is called SUM; after Alexander Hamilton’s Society for Useful Manufactures, refer: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Society_for_the_Establishment_of_Useful_Manufactures

The Solomons Useful Manufactures project is centred on new infrastructure for transport, telecommunications, and electricity from renewable resources; hydro and OTEC; refer: http://www.nrel.gov/otec/applications.html and http://www.nrel.gov/otec/what.html and from that base branching out with downstream projects that will make SI self sufficient in food, clothing and building materials.

It’s an exciting project, and the first National Systems project since Japan (1870s onwards) and Taiwan (1902 and 1945 onwards).

There is no government funded TV, radio or any other media except the PM & Cabinet website that RAMSI seems to share. Under the new IP telecommunications infrastructure we’ll make provision for a government HDTV, digital radio and news facility.

It’s increasingly tough for the Sogavare government as Australia has effectively declared war on it. The dirty front-line players in SI are the union bosses, one of whom is married to Mary-Louise O’Callaghan the Australian journalist who received a Walkley award for her work on the Sandline affair. There are paper bags stuffed with cash being offered to Sogavare’s coalition to get them to join the Opposition and the money trail leads through the Unions back to Australia. Soon there will be a motion of No Confidence moved.
-- MartinJackson (2007-02-16 20:26:42)
Has anything been done to establish a government for Solomon Island on Solomon Island? Without self governance, the important economic program could be shuttled by the oppressors. It may take a great many people networking support to the Solomon Island initiative to maintain it. Bruce WI USA
-- BrEggum (2007-02-17 01:18:28)