Fraudulent bedrock of our civilization.
The term "Son of Man" appears frequently in the 
New Testament as the favorite self-designation 
of Christ.
We are convinced that:
1."Son of Man" is a translation error,
2.it is a purposeful error, i.e. a fraud,
3.implications of this fraud determined to a large 
  extent our civilization.  

We shall justify this conviction in following 


NOTE: argumentation and conclusions of this 
essay apply as well to Christ being a historical
person as to Him being a fictitious character
invented by authors of New Testament.
Indeed, once created, a personage compels the 
author to describe his behavior in harmony with 
his personality and to quote him consistently 
with respect to the language he is supposed to 
As Christ spoke Aramaic, "Son of Man" is obviously
a translation of Aramaic "Bar Nasha" and obviously
an erroneous translation. The error consists in
"etymological confusion", in taking etymology for
meaning. Etymology of "Bar Nasha" is indeed "Son
of Man", but its meaning at Christ's time was "Man".

You don't translate "Baise-en-ville" as "Fuck
downtown" (etymology), but as "overnight bag"
(meaning in current French); 
you don't translate "cul-de-sac" as "ass-of-bag", 
but as "blind alley";
you don't translate "bistro" as "hurry up!" 
(Russian etymology), but as "French bar";
you don't translate French "vasistas" as
"what's that?" (German etymology) but as
"fanlight" (current French meaning);
you don't translate Russian "vaksal" as "Vauxhall"
(English etymology), but as "railway station"
(current Russian meaning).

You don't translate "BAR NASHA" as "SON OF MAN"
but as "MAN" 
(current Aramaic meaning of Christ's time). 

Unless you make an error, an involuntary blunder, 
or a purposeful fraud.
Fraud option will be discussed in the next 
Here we shall state that:
1."Son of Man" is an error.
  It is etymological confusion in translating
  Aramaic "Bar Nasha" which, at Christ's time
  meant clearly and exclusively "Man".
2.SoM is not particular to KJV or any other
  Western version but appears in original Greek
  Gospel texts as "uoios tou anthropou", which 
  shows clearly that the error was committed 
  directly by the Evangelists.               

We shall limit Gospel quotations to a single
parable Matthew 12:1-13, KJV: 1 
All implications of this parable apply to other
instances of "Son of Man" in the New Testament. 

Matthew 12:1-13, KJV: 1
(Seeing His disciples accused of not observing
sabbath, Christ answered:)

6  But I say to you, that a greater than the
temple is here.
8  For the Son of man, is lord of the sabbath.

One often hears the argument that Evangelists 
CALLED Christ "Son of Man" in order to assert the 
interpretation of His supernatural and messianic 
However, this argument is unacceptable:
They did not CALL Him, but QUOTED Him. They 
could call Him "Son of Sky", or anything, as 
long as it was their responsibility.
But QUOTING must be true and exact, or it is a
lie. When Christ referred to Himself as to
"Bar Nasha", this reference can only be correctly
QUOTED as "Man".

So, "Son of Man" is beyond any doubt an error.
In the next Section we shall see if it was just
a blunder or a purposeful fraud.   

To interpret SoM error as blunder we would have
to admit:
1.That four educated Aramaic speakers by chance
  ignored the meaning of the same common word
  "Bar Nasha" and committed by coincidence the
  same translation error.
2.That, again by extraordinary coincidence, this
  accidental blunder created the principal
  founding stone of Christianism.
  Indeed, as we shall see, the whole edifice of 
  Christianism has been erected upon the erroneous 
  term "Son of Man".
Rather to many coincidences and the blunder
story would not have a leg to stand on in any
court. Still, you may consider that the evidence
is only circumstantial and may like the idea of
Christianism being founded upon a blunder.
But you would be alone. To the best of our
knowledge all Christian Bible experts agree that
Jesus called Himself "Bar Nasha", that it means
"Man", that the Evangelists knew it, but
translated it into SoM as interpretation, hinting
that Jesus referred to the messianic SoM of the
Old Testament (Ezechiel 2,1 and Daniel 7,13.).
Here we have a material proof of fraud. 
Indeed, in original, i.e. Hebrew, or Aramaic 
Old Testament SoM does not appear and could not 
possibly appear for the simple reason that 
Ezechiel, writing in Hebrew, used the term 
Ben-Adam, that Daniel, writing in Aramaic, used 
the Chaldean origin term Bar-Enash and that both 
these terms mean clearly and exclusively "Man".
(Bar-Enash is a synonym of Bar-Nasha with a
bit of highbrow touch, like English "human" 
(noun) is synonym of "man".) 
(BTW the Hebrew "ben-adam" does not even have
the etymology of "Son of Man", but that of
"Son of Soil". "Adama" means in Hebrew "soil",
which explains the name of  the "First Man"
being "Adam".)

Consequently we are convinced that Evangelists 
committed this fraud, but that they committed 
it in good faith, as result of being manipulated 
by some "Inventors of Christianism" who pulled 
the ropes behind the scene in the time between 
Christ's death and Matthews Gospel. 

Indeed, with a bit of literary experience, you 
can tell if a writer sounds sincere. Sholohov 
or Erenburg, in spite of their talent sound 
like cracked pots; you feel that they are sold 
to Gulag. On the contrary, Solzenicyn, Orwell, 
Maupassant, Mann, Huxley, Camus, whether you 
aggree or not with their vision. give clear, 
harmonious sound.

And so do the Evangelists. 

A cracked pot would not become the bestseller 
of all times, would not captivate billions, 
would not found the largest civilization of 
human history.

Admitting good faith of the Evangelists we 
directed our investigation towards the real 
crooks, the "Inventors of Christianism" and
looked for appearance of SoM in some religious 
literature prior to Gospels. 

We found it in the Similitudes of Enoch. 

It is true that they are preserved only in an 
Ethiopic translation from Greek but it is 
universally admitted that SoM appeared for the 
first time as "uoios tou anthropou" in the Greek 
version of the Similitudes.
Thus, the Evangelists had the term prefabricated
and ready for use. But who prefabricated it?
Who was strong and persuasive enough to impose 
it? And, first of all, what was his motivation?

Investigating a fraud, one starts by asking to 
whom it is beneficial. And a name jumps to the 
mind: Paul, the acknowledged Inventor of 
Christianism under whose name we englobe all 
other eventual co-inventors whose names did not 
come down to our own day.

Rome was amid a revolution. But each revolution
carries with its flood some capos intending to 
subjugate it and to grab absolute, tyrannical 
power. They need some dogmatic, undisputable 
ideology in order to constitute a bandwagon, 
to convince those that they chose not to 

So, the market was there and Paul created the 
product: dogmatic Christianism rooted in the SoM 

Progress of technology made slavery obsolete
and required its replacement with some social 
model substituting slaves with laborers having 
more competence, responsibility and motivation.
This adjustment of society to the state of
technology was assisted by a Specific Domain 
of Reason (see Historical Foundations of RD.), 
namely Law, emancipated in Rome, suffocating 
under tyranny and aspiring to a new order based 
upon a legal Social Contract.

This aspiration had to externalize itself as 
usually through an ideology. Christ's teaching 
of love, of equality and of justice expressed
it perfectly and the to-be Christianity became 
the ideology of Roman revolution.

As we saw, the correct translation of Matthew's
parable is:

"8  For the man, is lord of the sabbath". 

which means, admitting that "sabbath" symbolizes 
the Law:                       


This would put the new order under Law determined, 
judged and amendable by humans, under a Human Law.

However, as we said above, each revolution carries 
with its flood some capos intending to subjugate it 
and to grab absolute, tyrannical power. They need 
some dogmatic, undisputable ideology in order to 
constitute a bandwagon, to subdue those that they 
chose not to exterminate.

The fraudulent translation of the parable supports 
perfectly such dogmatic ideology. Indeed, with SoM 
denoting the (incarnated) God, the distorted parable 

("... the Son of man, is lord of the sabbath",) 

gets the meaning: GOD IS LORD OF LAW 

Such "God's Law" is necessarily revealed, absolute 
and dogmatic.

We do not perceive God directly but discover His Law 
via perceivable phenomena "Revelations" such as signs, 
symbols, and statements reported by some "God's 
spokesmen". One's decision to consider some phenomenon 
as Revelation is based on arbitrary, irrational belief 
void of any factual justification.

Thus for instance the Pope, God's spokesman and 
lawmaker of "God's Law" could delegate part of his 
absolute power to a king making him executive of God's 
will. Disobedience was raised from infraction to a 
capital sin and "God's Law" revealed itself as absolute 
tyranny. Simplest to justify and implement of all

Indeed, Robespierre needed a long harangue to corrupt 
the original Social Contract ideology of the French 
Revolution with a meaningless, dogmatic "Virtue" 
(see "Meaningless Generalities" and "Dogma and Axiom"). 
This "Virtue" justified the Terror which lasted nine 
months and made several thousand victims.

Lenin needed the full blown meaningless, dogmatic 
pseudo-hegelian dialectic of Engels to corrupt the 
original marxist ideology. It justified the Gulag 
which in 50 years made 100 million victims.

Yet, Paul needed just to distort a single term in order 
to corrupt the to-be Christianity, and to transform it 
into the dogmatic, inhuman Christian-ism which determined 
our civilization, which ruled absolutely over thousand 
years and whose sequels are still the strongest social 
motivation at our own days. Its victims are innumerable, 
as its crimes encompass most, if not all atrocities and 
genocides committed by our civilization either directly 
in the name of Christian-ism, or indirectly, as reaction 
to its excesses.

Directly: Inquisition, religious wars, crusades,
persecution of heretics and closer to us Nazi cohorts 
perpetrating their crimes under the device "Gott Mit Uns".

Indirectly: let's just mention the Russian Revolution 
clearly provoked and triggered by the holy tsarist 

How would our civilization look if it were determined 
not by fraudulent Christian-ism, but by true Christianity 
based upon the correct translation and understanding of 
Matthew's parable:

"8  For the man, is lord of the sabbath".

which means MAN IS LORD OF LAW and which replaces the 
fraudulent "God's Law" with "Human Law"?

Only conjectures are, of course, possible, so let us 
soften our rigorous approach and follow the guidance 
of imagination.

We have seen that "God's Law" is based in arbitrary 
assertions of God's spokesmen. What would be the base 
of the "Human Law"?

Christ was a Jewish Rabbi, so He doubtless considered 
the Decalogue as synonym of "Law".

Now, whatever one may say about the Commandments, they 
are an ordered set: one speaks about the first, second, etc. 
And in every ordered set the order carries some essential 
meaning: first is first because in some way it founds, 
supports, orders or justifies its followers. 

The exact structure of the Decalogue is not precisely known; 
there are three Hebrew versions, and in one there are 22 
Commandments rather than ten. However, leaving all historic, 
stylistic and folkloric involvements aside, one thing is
certain: the structure encompasses two parts, first talking 
about some Absolute and second defining rules of social 
behavior such as "Thou shalt not kill".

The first, usually composed of three Commandments boils down 

1."Thou shalt have no other gods before me".
2."Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image".
3."Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain".

Taking into account that it has been destined for simple 
analphabets and leaving, as we said, all folklore aside, 
it means:   

1.There is only one Absolute,
2.Absolute may not be represented.
3.Absolute may not be symbolized.

Now, so described Absolute is equivalent to Awareness 
understood as ontological foundation of our Relativistic 
Dialectic (see "Foundations in Ontology"). We say there:

1."Awareness is the unique Absolute recognized by RD",

2."I ... see only upon the background of my Awareness of 
... seeing." I.e. while I'm (being aware of) seeing a car, 
my Awareness of seeing it does not become this car, nor 
anything else than "my being aware of ...".
Thus, Awareness may not be represented.

3."...by virtue of the  Generalized Principle of Relativity 
we cannot formulate any meaningful proposition about 
Thus, Awareness may not be symbolized.

We may conclude that correctly translated Matthew's parable 
founds a humane "Rational Religion" and "Rational Ethics". 
Rejecting metaphysical revelations they are entirely based
in Awareness, or Conscience, its moral synonym. Behavioral 
precepts are thumb rules for daily practice, always overruled 
by Conscience when in conflict. 

"Thou shalt not kill", but under Nazi occupation I have killed 
a blackmailer in order to save a family and my Conscience 
tells me that I was right.

One may object that such "Rational Religion" is a contradictio 
in adiectum, that it is unconceivable and unknown in practice. 
We shall answer that two major religions fall exactly under this 
pattern: the Buddism and the original Judaism.

Rabbi Yeshua ben Yosef min Natzeret seems to have been condemning 
the dogmatic, corrupted Priesthood and preaching the return to the
original humane Judaism which could become the base of equally 
humane Christianity.

But He was crucified and this to-be humane Christianity was turned 
by a cunning translation fraud to the inhumane Christian-ism.

History saw several trials of liberation from the the SoM tyranny. 
One of them was the establishment of the Cathar Occitane State at
the feet of Pyrenees. Based upon humane Christianity it was the 
most humane and tolerant state in the European history, extremely 
successful in agriculture, handicrafts and arts. Scared by its 
humanity and success, Rome ordered the unique crusade within 
Europe. When Béziers fell, its entire population was murdered, 
with exception of a thousand escaped to the cathedral, most 
claiming to be of Roman faith. The Cardinal, spiritual leader 
of the crusade gave in the name of Son of Man the famous order: 
"Kill them all.  God will recognize His children".

Closer to us, one of the  giants of rational thought, Newton, 
compared a scientist to somebody playing with shells on the ocean 
Shells represent scientific theories. Ocean represents the unknown 
Marvelous from where the Shells came and new ones will come.   

It is absurd, like pseudo science does, to restrict the Universe 
to a few Shells and to deny the Ocean.

But it is equally absurd, like most religions do,  to infer details 
of the Marvelous, to shut It in a Shell and to dissect It as if 
It were an oyster.
One seems to recognize, dressed in different terms, the true gist 
of Rabbi Yeshua's message.