I have written "Pax Americana" chapters as posts
to a particular discussion thread of a Yahoo list.
I have initiated the thread and chosen the title which
points to the longest period of peace in European
history resulting from USA having saved Europe from
Nazis and imposed post war measures which made this
peace possible. The thread has been started with my
following assertions:
1.The world tends necessarily towards mondialisation
which implies some form of domination by a single power.
2.Eliminating sad comedies such as the UN and powerless
committees such as Europe, the real mondial power
options seem to be: Russia, China, Islam and USA.
3.Of these options I have postulated USA, or "Pax
Americana" as preferable by orders of magnitude.
5.Best not necessarily meaning "ideal", nor even "good",
I endeavored to indicate drawbacks of the USA option
which may prevent it from reaching the domination, as
well as some of its disadvantages for the eventually
dominated world. The worst of them is IMO the "American
View", the complex of beliefs, cliches and prejudices
governing American social and political reason and
Particular chapters of "Pax Americana" try to illustrate
on some important examples how the originally laudable
American enterprises may get muddled in detail by the
American View, sometimes to the extent of turning into
catastrophes and crimes against humanity.
The objective of the thread is to foster discussion and
investigation which could indicate how the American View
could be modified so that Pax Americana may become
efficient as well as beneficial to the mankind.
The "Jihad" message has been written just after
911, President's Bush declaration of state of
war and its ratification by involved legislative
bodies. At this time this decision has been
supported by about 92% Americans and opposed
by about 8% social failures of the Fuzzy Bottom
calling themselves Peace Fighters. Fighting for
peace sounding a bit like drinking for sobriety,
I prefer the shorter name "peaceniks".
Now, in times of war or menace thereof, peaceniks
represent typically the fifth column of the
aggressor amid people cornered into defense.
To keep a long story short, we shall just mention
the French and English peaceniks who carry the
responsibility for WWII. When Nazis were crossing
the Rhine bridge to annex the Rheinland, a single
French company would have turned them back and
check further growth of Nazism, but France,
dominated by peaceniks got cold feet and withdrew.
Anschluss of Austria could have been prevented
with a firm threat of intervention of France,
England and Poland accompanied by adequate
armament effort. Hitler was still too week to
stand to the challenge. But England and France
dominated by peaceniks got cold feet. And,
culminating with the famous "Mourir pour Danzig?"
in the name of peace at any price, presented
Hitler with Czechoslovakia, whose large armament
industry added to his own made him strong enough
to start the WWII at the scale, he did.
"Peace at any prise" of the peaceniks results
usually in war which otherwise could be avoided
or reduced in scope.         
Normally thinking people know that there is no
"peace as such", that peace is a relation among
several countries or other social groups, that
it is an alternative to war. They usually prefer
this alternative, unless attacked or threatened
to be attacked by a strong aggressor. Then "peace"
becomes for them "surrender" with the consequences
of enslavement or extermination. They know that
in this situation, peace, the real peace may only
be achieved by fighting and winning the imposed
war, like Finland did in defense from the Gulag
At the moment of writing this message, Jihad,
which since 50 years endeavored to exterminate
Israel, extended over the whole Free World which
found itself, like Israel in war. President Bush,
whether you like him or not, became CIC of our
side of this war. In war you obey your CIC or
you are a traitor. I hated Roosevelt, but as
agent of Polish Resistance, thus of Intelligence
Service I actually fought for him, as he was our
It's important to note that this message has been
written before there was question of Iraq. I
wrote that America was "two wars behind" and that
the "American View" may muddle issues with sometimes
disastrous results. I'm sorry to see that my
prophecies came true in Iraq. Not "Iraq war", but
"Iraq campaign" within the WWIII Jihad war.
But we do not intend to talk here about Iraq.
If Allah permits, we shall talk about it in a
future dedicated thread.

Pax Americana JIHAD 
We (USA and their individual and collective 
allies) are in the state war for the simple 
reason that we have been aggressed and that
USA President declared the state of war.
You may say, my US friend, that you disagree 
and I'll say that you may just as well disagree 
with gravity.
You may say that Bush does not speak for you
and you will be wrong: he is your President
such as you elected and such as you merit and
in time of war he does speak for you.
I did not vote for him, so I did not elect him
nor I merit him, you may say, and you will be
wrong: even if you did not vote for him, you
elected him by accepting the Constitution and
the current election system and you merit him 
because you never did anything against this 
election system.

If you really suffer so much under Bush and his
tyranny you may always ask for political asylum. 
In Iraq or in Lybia for instance.
Or in a loony bin.

You may also try to be brilliant and post 
clever messages about Bush being stupid and 
corrupted. All you will achieve is to make an 
ass of yourself and look like a guy who draws 
clever grafittis in toilets.
We are in war and in war one should disregard
toilet grafittis and rally around the President 
such he is, such as the people merit for having 
elected him. 
A common shunting device consists in diverting
our attention from the current war by discussing 
the EVENTUAL, FUTURE "war" against Iraq. 
The eventual Iraq campaign will not be a war, 
but a battle in the war which we are already 
fighting. It will happen if and when
the Commander in Chief (Bush in our case)
decides after discussions with his advisers. 
There is nothing there for us to discuss as 
there was nothing for us to discuss in planning 
the Normandy landing.
Our enemy is not Iraq, nor Islam, nor a particular
guy called Bin Laden. Our enemy is a Shadow "Jihad" 
whose symptoms we observe in Israel bombings, 
in the 911, in Bali. Whose syndroms we observe 
in mass hysteria stirring up Muslim countries and 
mobilizing our own Fuzzy Bottom to demonstrate in 
the streets, but whose virus stays as yet out of 
exact knowledge and control.
Our Secret Services will have to trace the bug
and, together with the military, to determine
proper remedies. As all investigation proceeds
by trial and error, we must be prepared for
some more or less painful blunders, hopefully
not as bad as those of Vietnam.   
In Vietnam Americans were one war behind NV's
hit and run strategy.
Presently we are two wars behind Jihad's hit
and vanish strategy.
For the moment nobody seems to know how to 
make up this retardation.
In preceeding chapters we have seen negative
and positive examples which may be used here as
lessons and guidelines. Always keeping in mind
that blind application of past experience can
only be noxious. Lessons of the past should 
be mapped to current reality where they may 
help to find original solutions of sometimes 
similar but never identical problems.
Let's have a look at some current problems and
such lessons of the past as may appear useful.
USA were one war behind NV's strategy of hit and 
run. Americans could not properly anticipate the 
hits, although the objectives were strictly 
limited to their own units. Pursuites of enemy 
running after hit were paralyzed by the political 
decision forbidding to cross the 17th parallel.

With respect to the similar Jihad's hit and vanish
strategy, we are two wars behind.
Anticipating is practically impossible, as
virtually anything may become objective of a
hit. The same applies to the "vanish" part of
the scenario. We cannot follow a kamikaze 
through the frontier he has chosen to cross.
Nor can we follow a terrorist in a Muslim country
who after having hit steps into the immediate 
safety amidst the sympathizing crowd.
What could be done about it? 

Let me use an example from my Zen Combat 
experience. I may deviate a blow or a kick, but 
I cannot deviate a bullet. However, anticipating
enemy's shot I can at close range deviate the 
pistol before the bullet quits it, or, at longer 
range, I can shoot at enemy's pistol. Always on 
condition of having anticipated the danger.

We can hardly deviate a kamikaze about to blow 
himself but we could destroy the unit planning
and controlling his mission before he leaves.
We don't know how to do it? True, so we better 
learn. For one successful attack Israeli secret 
service neutralizes 40 attempts in the bud. 
USA could ask them and who says they don't?

However, it's a half measure.
Indeed, for the first time even Israel is one
war behind. She can deal only with those
attacks which are planned in Palestine.
But Jihad has world dimension and unless we
learn and dare to bring the war to whole 
enemy's territory, we are bound to lose it. 
To bring it to his Shadow territory, across 
the Shadow front.

In Vietnam Americans did not dare to cross the 
17th parallel. For the moment we cannot even
localize our shadow parallel and if we could 
I don't know if we would dare to cross it.
Patton said in 45 about the Soviets:
If we have to fight them, now is the time.
From now on, we will get weaker and they will
get stronger. 
Unfortunately, USA Presidents who screwed up
the Vietnam war forgot those words. 

Let's hope that Bush remembers the lesson:
When going to war, go and neutralize the enemy, 
whoever he is, wherever it takes you and at 
whatever cost. Or, if you are scared, surrender.
Does that mean that we should go to war against
all Muslim countries, because they accommodate
Jihad's units? Certainly not. Such wars would 
involve only the hosting countries, but not 
Jihad's units which would stay safely in hiding 
or move elsewhere.
We must conceive a new strategy aiming at Jihad
without involving host countries, similar to a 
selective insecticide.

Entebe pattern jumps to the mind. Israel did not 
go to war against Uganda but with a commando 
operation freed all hostages and neutralized the 
According to what I said above, we should not 
clone Entebe, but learn from it. And the lesson 
would be: 
1.Creative imagination. In a few days Israel 
  conceived a new strategy of using gliders to
  assure surprise and constructed such gliders.
2.Citizens' Army with competence at all levels
  and with risk hierarchy corresponding to that of 
  responsibility. This spirit is illustrated by 
  the unique casualty of the operation: 
  the death of the general in command.

This being said, in special cases where a whole
country identifies itself with Jihad we may
have to go to regular war against it. 
US President's decision after such consultations
as he judges adequate.
Selective insecticide implies the knowledge of
the particular insect and of its whereabouts,
70-80% of anti-Jihad war will have to be be 
performed by Intelligence. Intelligence of new 
type: an intelligent Intelligence. Freed from 
the flat dogmatism of American View. Capable to
distinguish between Muslim enemy and Muslim 
friend, to recognize an enemy under WASP and 
anti-terrorist appearances and declarations. 
Capable to penetrate Muslim countries and 
supported by new methods and technologies, whose 
development should become one of the first 
priorities and budget positions.
The toughest issue for us to swallow. As we all
may be, one way or another, objectives of attack
and, on the other hand, each of us may be Jihad's
agent, we have all to be supervised. Methods and
technology should be developed by Intelligence 
Agencies. Our part is either to cooperate, or
to passively or actively oppose the supervision.
92% Americans support Israel, Bush and will 
doubtless support any efficient measures defending 
them from Jihad's attacks. 8% of the Fuzzy Bottom
don't play any role even if they make themselves
visible through demonstrations, through toilet
grafitti and provide the majority of prattlers 
on WEB lists.
Let's remember that opposing government decisions 
in time of war has a name: "treason".
But let's not worry to much about our prattling
friends. Their treason has the quality and the
weight of toilet grafittis.
Much have been said here about Israeli citizens'
army. Do we want it in USA and other US allies?
No. We don't want clones. For "intelligence at 
home" we don't need an army, but we certainly 
need citizens' involvement. Let me mention an
example of my Israeli experience which seems to 
me quite pertinent to our issue.

Like a lot of Israelis I joined the "citizens'
police". Each time I had a few hours free I 
signed in at a police station, got a cap, a gun
and went to the streets with all rights of a 
regular cop. Usually we watched at night with 
a few neighbors the shore area for terrorists 
coming with boats, as they frequently did in 
Haifa. Sometimes I went to the railway station 
and checked the papers of arriving passengers.
Several times I made an ass of myself checking
Israeli officers, including a general.
But once I asked an Israeli captain for his
papers, he refused, I arrested him and delivered
him at the gun point to the MP. He turned out
to be a PLO agent, particularly dangerous,
because speaking perfect Hebrew and playing
perfectly an Israeli officer.

Again, we do not want clones. I cannot say if
citizens' police would be what USA want.
But I believe that citizens' involvement, that
some kind of militia dealing with security and
justice corresponds to American tradition.
Without some form of citizens' involvement 
USA will be defenseless with regard to Jihad's
With these few assertions I do not intend to
preach how to win the Jihad war. All I wish
is to initiate a discussion. I did not even start
to investigate the nature of the conflict. Is
it a clash of religions, of ethnies, of
I did not talk about the most important problem,
the American View. It involves a whole 
Weltanschaung with dogmatic principles and 
habits of reasoning deforming the perception
of reality. What can be done about it?

If you believe, like me, that we face the problem 
of our very survival, you may react to this post.

If not, I envy you.