I have written "Pax Americana" chapters as posts
to a particular discussion thread of a Yahoo list.
I have initiated the thread and chosen the title which
points to the longest period of peace in European
history resulting from USA having saved Europe from
Nazis and imposed post war measures which made this
peace possible. The thread has been started with my
following assertions:
1.The world tends necessarily towards mondialisation
which implies some form of domination by a single power.
2.Eliminating sad comedies such as the UN and powerless
committees such as Europe, the real mondial power
options seem to be: Russia, China, Islam and USA.
3.Of these options I have postulated USA, or "Pax
Americana" as preferable by orders of magnitude.
5.Best not necessarily meaning "ideal", nor even "good",
I endeavored to indicate drawbacks of the USA option
which may prevent it from reaching the domination, as
well as some of its disadvantages for the eventually
dominated world. The worst of them is IMO the "American
View", the complex of beliefs, cliches and prejudices
governing American social and political reason and
Particular chapters of "Pax Americana" try to illustrate
on some important examples how the originally laudable
American enterprises may get muddled in detail by the
American View, sometimes to the extent of turning into
catastrophes and crimes against humanity.
The objective of the thread is to foster discussion and
investigation which could indicate how the American View
could be modified so that Pax Americana may become
efficient as well as beneficial to the mankind.

Pax Americana WWII 
The USA did the essentially right thing saving 
Europe from the Nazis.

I have none: The evaluation appears to me as 

Other comments are, of course, welcome.

Morally seen FDR's decisions at Yalta are crimes 
against humanity. 

He gave Stalin a present of over 100 million 
Eastern Europeans sentencing them to slavery and 
to large scale extermination under the Gulag rule. 

By setting Poland's east fronteer at the Curzon 
line and the German at Oder-Neisse he caused 
expatriation of 6 million Poles and 10 million 
Germans in which several millions were dead. 

By agreeing to "repatriation" of Soviet POW's
he sentenced them to 5 years of Gulag KZ's and
80% to death (see SOVIET POW's). I don't have 
the exact figure of Soviet POW's "liberated" 
by Western Allies, but I believe that it amounts 
to 7 digits.

Politically he initiated the Cold War:

1.by extending Soviet empire over important 
strategic and economic areas (Eastern Europe, Outer 
Mongolia, south Sakhalin Island, the Kuriles).

2.by consolidating Soviet power through $20 billion
reparations and acceptance of robbing out East
German industry.

FDR believed that Soviets were a fair partner, that
they would be bound by Yalta treaty or other pieces 
of paper. Under this impression he designed a lovely
detailed plan for free elections and a democratic
govenance in Poland. Which the Soviets simply threw
in trash, recognizing as unique reality the occupation
by Red Army and as unique argument the military
resistance or threat.

The unilateraly bound party were the USA and their 
Western ALlies whom he drew into the Cold War trying 
to make them play cricket against an enemy knowing 
only the language of demagogy and guns.

What were the reasons of this disastrous attitude?
Did FDR's health condition influence his judgement? 
His physician, Dr. Howard Bruenn, has written that 
there was no evidence that his health impaired his 
judgement at Yalta. Which does not mean that it 
did not. And the necessity of writing this report
speaks for itself.
Was he influenced by KGB propaganda agents?
Most probably.

Still I don't see him gaga enough not to understand 
things obvious to 10 years old children living 
under Gulag occupation. 
And manipulation can only work on fertile soil. 

FDR died two months after Yalta and many people 
regret that he did not die before.
But would his death save Eastern Europe and prevent 
the Cold War with all its sequels (Vietnam, etc)?

I doubt it. I believe that Yalta treaty was a
culmination of "Yalta Spirit", which manifested
itself before (see "Second Front") and after
(see "Patton"). Eventual FDR's successor would
most probably behave in a similar way. 
The roots go deeper than one person's mental 
deficiency, into what I propose to call 
"American View" (AV, see below). 
The objective of this thread is to investigate
conditions favorable for Pax Americana and 
obstacles making it impossible.
To my mind AV is the most serious of these 

What can be done about it?

Education jumps to the mind, but how could it be 
modified? And who would educate the educators?

Political system favoring AV minded politicians 
and simple crooks seems to be another area needing 

These and several other problems will have to 
be solved as prerequisites to promoting the
Pax Americana. We shall initiate their discussion 
in CONCLUSIONS of the thread.

One could object that Yalta was just paper and
that Soviets would anyway annex Eastern Europe
as the "fait accompli" of its occupation by the
Red Army. It appears true enough on the first

But on second thought we discover that there 
was a possibility to replace this unilateral
occupation by the joint liberation by Allies,
a possibility to save Eastern Europe and to
save many thousands of Allies' soldiers.

This possibility consisted in opening the
second front along the Balkans-Poland line,
cutting German east front from its base
and putting it in crossfire.

It has been investigated and proposed by
the Intelligence Service, was hushed up by
FDR unwilling to displease his admired

Let's have a short look at it.

Greece had a strong partisan organization and
could be liberated in October 1944 by a very
small British force.

Yougoslavian partisans controled large parts
of their montains and were checking 14 out
of 20 German divisions in the Balkans.

Yugoslavia was separated by 400 km of Rumanian
land from Carpathians, partially controlled
by Slovak and Polish partisans.

Being oficialy German ally, Rumania was not
controlled by Germans but by its own troops which
although hostile to Soviets, would gladly join
Western Allies rather than resist them.

Polish underground Home Army counted hundreds
of thousands, whose fighting determination
was proved by the uprising of a relatively small
town of Warsaw, which abandoned by the Allies 
and left to itself held three months against 
German elite divisions.

An invasion landing in partisan controlled
part of Yougoslavia synchronized with a
nationwide uprising in Poland and Slovakia
would open a second front based mainly on local
forces, practically without losses of invasion 
troops, as compared with hundreds of thousands 
lost in the Normandy option.          

And it would free Eastern Europe.

I don't have any, but invite all possible.
Soviet POW's have been sent by Americans to
Soviet Union by force, whether they wanted it
or not. They were all good for minimum 5 years
of Sibirian KZ's, i.e. for 80% death by cold,
hunger and abuse. Officially, because surrender
of even a wounded and inconscious soldier was
considered as treason. Really, because fellows
who have seen the democratic world had to pass a 
quarantaine before being restored to circulation.

Morally, this action was nothing else than
genocide and the methods used by MP strangely
resembled those of the SS.
I don't know if this issue can be legitimately
listed under "errors". My feeling here is
entirely emotional. And magic, if you want.
I believe that crimes like that come back
to you, maybe in Vietnam, maybe at the 911,
maybe elsewhere.
I would love to believe the USA incapable
to repeat such crimes and the only way 
authorising this belief would imply a basic
revision of the AMERICAN VIEW.

I'm not sure if and how it may be achieved.
Any suggestions?  
Let me start by stating clearly that I do not 
intend to involve in any way the personality of 
General Patton, nor to declare myself aggreeing 
with all his views and opinions.

I intend to show on his example that, preponderant
as it may be, the AMERICAN VIEW may be called in
question. Called in question not negatively by high 
brow Marcuse type anarchist bullshitters, but 
positively by down to the ground, realistic, 
experienced and not particularily intellectual 
people, such as Patton.

Patton begins an on-going argument for a combined 
campaign of Allied-German forces to push the 
Communist Russians back to their pre-war borders,
correctly stating that the Allies have simply 
swapped the Nazis for the Communists in Eastern 
Europe guaranteeing its continued enslavement.  

A few quotations:

Poland is under Russian domination, so is Hungary, 
so is Czechoslovakia, and so is Yugoslavia; 
and we sit happily by and think that everybody
loves us.

We promised the Europeans freedom. It would be 
worse than dishonorable not to see they have it. 
This might mean war with the Russians, but what 
of it?

If we have to fight them, now is the time. 
From now on, we will get weaker and they will 
get stronger. 

By AMERICAN VIEW we understand preponderant
American beliefs, principles and thinking habits.
Preponderant, not unique. USA is probably the
most heterogeneous country from the point of view
of tastes, beliefs and habits and many Americans
stay out of beaten tracks of AV. Nevertheless,
their non-conformism can only appear against the
background of AV as its negation. Salinger's
Catcher In The Rye exists only as protest against
the tiki-taki establishment. This AV based
establishment is strong enough to dictate USA
behavior. Seen from outside the USA appear as
a block governed by the principles of AV.
Which are those principles?
Yalta Spirit shows us some of them. We shall
collect more on our way through the next issues
of the thread, especially Vietnam and Israel
and in CONCLUSIONS we shall be ready to present
the complete essential structure of AV.
What have we learned from the Yalta Spirit?
AV is dogmatically based in "WASP" principles.
As any dogmatism it knows only flat logic and
ignores dialectics.
That leads to reasoning like:
"We are good, thus our allies are good".
"Sacrifice is good, Soviets lost more than
any of the Allies, thus Soviets are the best
of Allies". (Including USA, which explains FDR's
inferiority complex with respect to Stalin.)
"Things are what they are and never the contrary,
thus Soviets being good in war are good after
the war and can only be good with respect to
countries they liberated". ("Liberated", not
"occupied", which would be illogical and
blasphemous). "Faithfulness being a virtue, we
are bound to stay faithful to the Soviets".
However, reality is dialectic. Things may be
and actually are good and bad at the same time.
Like the Soviets. Refusing the dialectic approach
results in refusing to understand the reality,
in taking it at the face value and in wishful