One talks a lot about Palestinian Refugees and 
their tragic destiny, but I have never heard
anybody ask "Why were they concentrated in camps
and why, 50 years after the war, do they still
live in camps?".

During the 1948 war many Palestinians left for 
neighboring Arab countries. Their number is 
400 000 or 700 000 according respectively to
Israeli, or Arab sources. The reason of the
exodus was, again according to these sources,
Arab leaders' propaganda and manipulation, or
alleged Zionist pressure and atrocities.
Not being equipped in a chat list to perform
reliable historical research, let's place
the truth in the middle and agree that 600 000
Palestinians left for Arab neighbors under
joint action of Zionost pressure and Arab

They were not unique refugees in this tragic
period: Soviets for instance expelled 15 million 
Germans from East Prussia, Silesia and Pommerania.
These 15 million went to West Germany counting
about 45 million, i.e. every fourth German was
a refugee. Germany at this time was a desert
of ruins with local people living in deepest
misery, close to starvation. One would expect
that the locals would not welcome 15 million
of additional mouths to feed. But somehow we
never heard about German refugees problem,
let alone about German refugee camps, or German
terrorists bombing anybody. Why?
Simply because they got fully integrated.
Upon arrival they obtained the normal passport
and all rights to share the misery of the
locals. And, in few years, they made it together
to one of the leading economical powers.
Let's resume: 15 million smoothly integrated 
within 45 million of about poorest people of 
the world.

Why 0.6 million Arabs were not integrated within
100 million Arabs, who did not suffer any war and
counted several richest oil countries? Why
were they concentrated in camps, in KZ's (let's
call a cat a cat) without right to work, 
to schools, to medical care, to food even, because 
they lived mainly on UNNRWA and depend of it still 
today? Here, even the best propagandist cannot 
involve Israel. They were not integrated because 
no Arab country wanted them, because they were hated 
by all their Arab brothers. And because some Arab 
leaders wanted them in camps. 
Analogy with The Animal Farm jumps to the mind. 
Pigs want power but get cold feet when it comes 
to fight for it. So they need dogs, fearless tough 
dogs conditioned to kill anybody indicated by a
So they keep Palestinian youngsters within barbed 
wires, hungry, hopeless, hating the world outside 
where people work, smile, love and have fun. 
And they send a pig-trainer with films showing 
rich villas within dreamy orchards, who gives them 
a Kalatchnikov and says: it's all yours, stolen 
from you by the dirty Jews. Go and get it back. 
If I blamed these youngsters I would be not better
than the pigs. They should be freed from Arab KZ's 
and the whole world should help them to get 
integrated, to be cured from conditioning, from 
obsessions, from hatred and to become normal 
people capable to live with other normal people. 
And pigs should be destroyed and prevented from
turning people to wolf-dogs.

An example of brotherly love. At the end of 70ths
or beginning of 80ths Jordan got fed up with
Palestinians concentrated in Jordanian KZ's and
decided to exterminate them. Whole Jordanian army
with tanks and plains attacked the camps. Several
thousand Palestinians were murdered and the rest
fled. Where to? To Israel of course (to Israeli
occupied WB, to be precise) and some to Lebanon
where they got such a warm welcome that they
fled to north Israel. And what did we do?

Hold it! Before answering imagine a Mexican
anti-gringo terror organization getting into
trouble and forcing their way to the States.
What would you do?

Well, we did not do it. Instead, we set up 
military hospitals where each of them got a 
check-up, a vaccination and, if needed, a 
treatment. And on the morrow Knesset voted a 
law making it a criminal offense to employ a 
refugee against a lower salary than that of an 
Israeli, including unemployment insurance, 
medical care and the whole welfare kabudle.

I see you raise your eyebrow meaning: do you
want me to believe that you are such angels?

No, there were earthly components to our motives.
We did not want epidemics, nor we wanted cheap
black market man power cause unemployment of
Israelis. But we could achieve it by doing what
you would do to those Mexicans: meet them with
machine guns and let the survivors run back to 
be killed by their brothers. As we did not do 
it, it seems that there were some human 
components to our attitude.

As I said in several posts, the only friends
Palestinians have in the world are the 70% of
humanly minded Israelis like myself.
But if pigs are not neutralized and the terror
does not stop, even those Israelis will some
day prefer the Greater Israel.