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From: "David Parker" <davefparker(at)shaw.ca>
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2011 08:18:22 -0800

The means sounds good but what are the ends? What is more important, property rights or the right to vote in democratic elections? [DIEbold-Intel Inside] Since we have no real property rights our vote is meaningless. "I owe my soul to the company store" Frank Chodorov covered voting and the lesser of two evils. Like Moses said, "Look (it) up" Will we still have a state with a monopoly law enforcement apparatchik funded by immoral direct taxation? [CIA Inside] Is it true, as Frank said, that Socialists are born not made?

I like what -Hans Herman Hoppe had to say, from his book, Democracy: the god that failed

What can we do now, in order to prevent the process of civilizational decline from running its full course to an economic and social catastrophe? Above all, the idea of democracy and majority rule must be delegitimized. Ultimately, the course of history is determined by ideas, be they true or false. Just as kings could not exercise their rule unless a majority of public opinion accepted such rule as legitimate, so will democratic rulers not last without ideological support in public opinion.48 Likewise ,the transition from monarchical to democratic rule must be explained as fundamentally nothing but a change in public opinion. In fact, until the end of World War I, the overwhelming majority of the public in Europe accepted monarchical rule as legitimate.49 Today, hardly anyone would do so. On the contrary, the idea of monarchical government is considered laughable. Consequently, a return to the ancient regime must be regarded as impossible. The legitimacy of monarchical rule appears to have been irretrievably lost. Nor would such a return be a genuine solution. For monarchies, whatever their relative merits, do exploit and do contribute to present-orientedness as well. Rather, the idea of democratic-republican rule must be rendered equally if not more laughable, not in the least by identifying it as the source of the ongoing process of decivilization. But at the same time, and still more importantly, a positive alternative to monarchy and democracy-the idea of a natural order-must be delineated and understood. On the one hand, this involves the recognition that it is not exploitation, either monarchical or democratic, but private property, production, and voluntary exchange that are the ultimate sources of human civilization. On the other hand, it involves the recognition of a fundamental sociological insight (which incidentally also helps identify precisely where the historic opposition to monarchy went wrong): that the maintenance and preservation of a private property based exchange economy requires as its sociological presupposition the existence of a voluntarily acknowledged natural elite-a nobilitas naturalis.so The natural outcome of the voluntary transactions between various private property owners is decidedly nonegalitarian, hierarchical, and elitist. As the result of widely diverse human talents, in every society of any degree of complexity a few individuals quickly acquire the status of an elite. Owing to superior achievements of wealth, wisdom, bravery or a combination thereof, some individuals come to possess "natural authority," and their opinions and judgments enjoy widespread respect. Moreover, because of selective mating and marriage and the laws of civil and genetic inheritance, positions of natural authority are more likely than not passed on within a few noble families. It is to the heads of these families with long-established records of superior achievement, farsightedness, and exemplary personal conduct that men turn with their conflicts and complaints against each other, and it is these very leaders of the natural elite who typically act as judges and peacemakers, often free of charge, out of a sense of obligation required and expected of a person of authority or even out of a principled concern for civil justice, as a privately produced "public good. is In fact, the endogenous origin of a monarchy (as opposed to its exogenous origin via conquest)S2 can only be understood against the background of a prior order of natural elites. The small but decisive step in the transition to monarchical rule-the original sin-consisted precisely in the monopolization of the function of judge and peacemaker. The step was taken once a single member of the voluntarily acknowledged natural elite-the king-insisted, against the opposition of other members of the social elite, that all conflicts within a specified territory be brought before him and conflicting parties no longer choose any other judge or peacekeeper but him. From this moment on, law and law enforcement became more expensive: instead of being offered free of charge or for a voluntary payment, they were financed with the help of a compulsory tax. At the same time, the quality of law deteriorated: instead of upholding the pre-existing law and applying universal and immutable principles of justice, a monopolistic judge, who did not have to fear losing clients as a result of being less than impartial in his judgments, could successively alter the existing law to his own advantage. It was to a large extent the inflated price of justice and the perversions of ancient law by the kings which motivated the historical opposition to monarchy. However, confusion as to the causes of this phenomenon prevailed. There were those who recognized correctly that the problem lay with monopoly, not with elites or nobility.53 But they were far outnumbered by those who erroneously blamed it on the elitist character of the rulers instead, and who accordingly strove to maintain the monopoly of law and law enforcement and merely replace the king and the visible royal pomp by the "people" and the presumed modesty and decency of the II common man." Hence the historic success of democracy. Ironically, the monarchy was then destroyed by the same social forces that kings had first stimulated when they began to exclude competing natural authorities from acting as judges. In order to overcome their resistance, kings typically aligned themselves with the people, the common man.54 Appealing to the always popular sentiment of envy, kings promised the people cheaper and better justice in exchange and at the expense of taxing-cutting down to size-their own betters (that is, the kings' competitors). When the kings' promises turned out to be empty, as was to be predicted, the same egalitarian sentiments which they had previously courted now focused and turned against them. After all, the king himself was a member of the nobility, and as a result of the exclusion of all other judges, his position had become only more elevated and elitist and his conduct only more arrogant. Accordingly, it appeared only logical then that kings, too, should be brought down and that the egalitarian policies, which monarchs had initiated, be carried through to their ultimate conclusion: the monopolistic control of the judiciary by the common man. Predictably, as explained and illustrated in detail above, the democratization of law and law enforcement-the substitution of the people for the king-made matters only worse, however. The price of justice and peace has risen astronomically, and all the while the quality of law has steadily deteriorated to the point where the idea of law as a body of universal and immutable principles of justice has almost disappeared from public opinion and has been replaced by the idea of law as legislation (government-made law). At the same time, democracy has succeeded where monarchy only made a modest beginning: in the ultimate destruction of the natural elites. The fortunes of great families have dissipated, and their tradition of culture and economic independence, intellectual farsightedness, and moral and spiritual leadership has been forgotten. Rich men still exist today, but more frequently than not they owe their fortune now directly or indirectly to the state. Hence, they are often more dependent on the state's continued favors than people of far lesser wealth. They are typically no longer the heads of long established leading families but nouveaux riches. Their conduct is not marked by special virtue, dignity, or taste but is a reflection of the same proletarian mass-culture of present-orientedness, opportunism, and hedonism that the rich now share with everyone else; consequently, their opinions carry no more weight in public opinion than anyone else's. Hence, when democratic rule has finally exhausted its legitimacy the problem faced will be significantly more difficult than when kings lost their legitimacy. Then, it would have been sufficient to abolish the king's monopoly of law and law enforcement and replace it with a natural order of competing jurisdictions, because remnants of natural elites who could have taken on this task still existed. Now, this will no longer suffice. H the monopoly of law and law enforcement of democratic governments is dissolved, there appears to be no other authority to whom one can turn for justice, and chaos would seem to be inevitable. Thus, in addition to advocating the abdication of democracy, it is now of central strategic importance that at the same time ideological support be given to all decentralizing or even secessionist social forces. In other words, the tendency toward political centralization that has characterized the Western world for many centuries, first under monarchical rule and then under democratic auspices, must be systematically reversed.55 Even if as a result of a secessionist tendency a new government, whether democratic or not, should spring up, territorially smaller governments and increased political competition will tend to encourage moderation as regards exploitation. In any case, only in small regions, communities or districts will it be possible again for a few individuals, based on the popular recognition of their economic independence, outstanding professional achievement, morally impeccable personal life, and superior judgment and taste, to rise to the rank of natural, voluntarily acknowledged authorities and lend legitimacy to the idea of a natural order of competing judges and overlapping jurisdictions-an "anarchic" private law society-as the answer to monarchy and democracy.

How do you get people to withdraw their moral support for the state? It can take my money but it can't take my mind or take me for a ride. Can you convince people to get out of the car?

Living free in an un-free world (The general state 'of mind')

I knew I was right

Dumbing down

Art appreciation. What are all these artists trying to tell us in their books, songs, speeches and signs?

George Harrison wrote Taxman then 40 years later he wrote brainwashed. What was he trying to tell us?

What do our wise elders tell us to do these days? Keep shopping, only 364 days until ChistMyth.

Cheers: Dave

On Modern Servitude

Evidence of Revision


-----Original Message-----
From: Fred Blomson [fred.blomson(at)hotmail.com]
Sent: January 13, 2011 10:38 AM
To: giorgio.menon(at)pd.infn.it; wddm@world-wide-democracy.net; latalondon(at)yahoo.co.uk; becketl(at)auburn.edu

There are tested many different methods of recruiting and engaging members and voters.
We'd love to see our political system as democratic, but we cannot ignore the fact that today's market economy dominates everything in society and even politics. Political parties present their missions like commercial products and they need a lot of money for it.
In the case of direct democracy, one can read that it is possible to buy votes!
Frankly, is it possible to operate and to apply direct democracy in a capitalist society?
Is representative direct democracy a solution as some claim?
Historically, the monarchy and dictatorship seems to have dominated the world the longest time.
The state of Athens seems to have been a non-market economic experiment and notice that the large number of slaves and all the women did not participate.
Later the bastard representative democracy and the political parties ware established in the shadow of the market economy and sometimes besides military power.
Now we know that globalization is inevitable going on and that information technology is expanding at breakneck speed.
Soon, every youth, in the whole world, will hold an Ipad in the hand and will be aware of the opportunities who are opening up with it.
The Greeks of ancient Athens did not talk about equality but the meaning of direct democracy was to establish justice, among other things.
Today, according to the declaration of human rights is equality generally accepted by all and so is democracy (even if they mean the bastard one and not genuine direct democracy!)
How will the dominance of the market economy be limited?
The market economy makes that money is collected in a few and thereby prevents materialistic equality. Taxes can never establish materialistic equality.
Democracy, equality and justice are three "fused together" concepts which, like oil and water, cannot coexist with market economy.
What characterize the Athenian experiment, is dialogue ideology and philosophy.
If we want to increase the number of members and voters, we must ignore the marketing and market economy. We need to concentrate our energy on dialogue and on ideology; our conclusions will join us together. Members who are willing and able to participate can be registered with the image and presentation to be genuine and to produce social cohesion.
We need to discuss what we want to do to save and improve the world and we have to propose laws! E.g. a global law of one child per family!
Then, members and voters can suggest themselves which laws are needed to create equality and justice.
The Athenian democratic experiment needs to be complemented and developed on its own terms to suppress the dominance of the market economy and to subordinate it directly to our democratic laws!
Hereby I propose to replace the party name to Equality Party EP. (Jämlikhetspartiet JP).
This is a non-party as ideological equality is widely accepted and applied always, by everyone and everywhere.
The idea is to bring attention away from the old-fashioned partisan politics, party dictatorship and the personality cult, toward laws that we propose, discuss and vote.
Please avoid the word politics, democracy, party etc. Type in the website more about nomokracy, legislative proposals, laws, decisions, ideology, justice, power to the people and that equality and justice is our goal! Is it?
What do you think? I am grateful for an answer!
fred.blomson @ hotmail.com

http://nomokrati.wordpress.com, in Swedish
http://elaws.wordpress.com, in English

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