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02603: Re: [WDDM] A couple questions

From: "Vijayaraghavan Padmanabhan" <vijayaraghavan.p(at)rediffmail.com>
Date: 16 Jan 2010 07:52:54 -0000
Subject: Re: [WDDM] A couple questions

We are trying to understand the source of the basic urge for freedom and I broadly agree with Hamid. But Fred Blomson feels we are digressing from Democracy and has expressed his unhappiness with this discussion in a e-mail to me. Bill also is prompted to unsubscribe from this list. Therefore it is better to leave this discussion at this stage.


On Fri, 15 Jan 2010 16:21:14 +0530 wrote

I am not expert but I heard in a radio program that even consciousness is eraseable. The woman who suffered of this problem had loosed all her memory over one night. When she looked in

the mirror she could not recognize herself and for her it was like to look to another person. She was forced to experience a new childhood and learn all simple skills from the beginning.

What I meant by living my life as I like was that every living creatures are struggling to satify their own needs. When they are stopped of others or their possibilities in their struggle they will

react and try to get back the control over their life. This reaction is independent of our intellect or knowledge and a demand from our body. Democracy is a way to get back our freedom to

live as we like from those who disturb us in our ambitions.



From: Vijayaraghavan Padmanabhan

Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 4:51 AM

To: wddm@world-wide-democracy.net

Subject: Re: [WDDM] A couple questions

>Allknowledge that is stored in our mind/brain is transient. They are indeed erasable even in one's own life time. More basic thanknowledge is the 'consciousness' or the feeling of 'I' or the 'self'. Hamid's 'I' would like to live life as it likes and would like to react to perceived 'injustice'. Each individual's 'I' or 'consciousness' has its own predilections depending on past experiences and genetic influences. If Hamid were to live his life after all his memory is erased he would mostly feel the same way since 'consciousness'remains largely the same, subject to the same genetic influences.
>More basic than 'consciousness' is the 'pure consciousness' or the 'inner self' or 'Self'.We enjoy the taste of this during the blissful twilight zone between deep sleep and becoming fully awake.Further discussion about consciousness enters the zone of metaphysical.
>On Sat, 09 Jan 2010 23:09:50 +0530 wrote
You forgot to write any conclusions.

You say a lot but almost nothing.

Perhaps your point is that everything wedo is meaningless ( similar to Kafka´s way of thinking? )

I have similar ideas like you. All our knowledge is nothing elsebut chemical changes in our brain and nerves. Our brain is a very little material compared with all material in the world and

this changes has almost no vlue for the world. There are people who loose all their memories and knowledge in a short time because of some sickness or mall function of their bodies.


Everytime I eat I kill other living creatures like animals and plants. If there exist a god he should be ashamed of the world he has created.

But all these knowledge does not prevent me to react to those who dominate or try to dominate me. I try anyhow to live my life as I like it during my short life time.





From: David Parker

Sent: Thursday, December 24, 2009 12:01 AM

To: wddm@world-wide-democracy.net

Subject: [WDDM] A couple questions



That was a good read, another author to look into, and thanks.


I appreciate many of the posts in here. They speak to my mind in a way that requires no drastic editing. My mind has a similar view from behind my firewall, anti-virus scanner and pop-up blocker. The more updates I install the easier it is to spot the hackers. I still find myself getting the odd pop-up like humming those pesky Christmas tunes that are playing everywhere. Reminds of Doug Stanhope doing the bit about how his head never shuts up with his ex wife nagging and music playing and it always sucks. I crunched it into one I posted with him. He reminds of Bill Hicks or Carlin in some respects and only include it for entertainment value, we all need a good laugh from time to time.


Doug Stanhope No Refunds Last Call 2007 Highlights 131%




Here I go exposing my ignorance with a few scattered thoughts and the questions that come to mind after many years of reading and watching videos. Personally I am a little put off by some material but I’ll watch or read most anything through, for my own twisted reasons. A lot of the new science and spirituality reminds me of "The Secret", are your thoughts things yet? It kind of blames you for your suffering, rightly or wrongly. Is that western Buddhism?


I’m no rocket scientist but we know at the quantum level it's either waves or particles, depending upon the observer and quarks make up this energy


We also know matter is made from this energy in the form of atoms and atoms are mostly empty space so matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration that we can see and touch or measure with our instruments


Keep in mind that we are all on a planet circling our sun at about 60,000 miles an hour while spinning on our axis at about 1,000 miles per hour so any feeling of motionlessness and permanence is an illusion


The average person is aware of 50,000 self talks during their waking hours. These include the memories you are preserving and the plans you are making for the future version of you. Incidentally over 75% on average are negative which technically puts us all in a state of PTSD. This is why I like all of you contributor’s posts as positive affirmations.


Every time you think it, hear it, see it, read it, say it or sense it in any way you create another copy of "it"


Every seven years every cell in your body has been completely recycled and changed. You are not the same person. You are emergent and ever evolving, well some of us are


The only things that carry on are your memories and your vision of you in the future that you spent your time planning and preparing for or watching tell lie vision and being indoctrinated into by society


Before your conscious mind sends the signal to move your arm the mechanical signal has already been sent. What is telling you to move your arm before you tell yourself to do it?


Are we all co creating our reality of civilization? Is culture our enemy?


We all get to read 1984 through the education system and watch movies like THX 1138, Roller ball, Running man, Logan’s run, Star wars, James Bond, Blade Runner and the ever growing list of dystopian futures.


Is it merely a coincidence that we are given the bible to believe in with its scary ending?


What chance does the human mind have against total warfare?


Have you ever seen couples that grow to look more alike the longer they stay together?


And what's with the latest god of science, dark matter and energy. We can't see it or measure it but trust us, it's there. Perhaps Newton’s laws are wrong; forget that he may have plagiarized Kepler and Huygens


Another question I had was, is this tied to what some call the morphogenetic field, you know mice learning to work mazes and switches or sheep learning to roll over cattle guards in different areas at the same time


You hear a lot of, “Careful what you think” Could there be anything to it?


Is the zeitgeist movement a valid form of activism or just more controlled opposition?


I’ve often wondered what “success” means to many of us “activists/truthers/anti-this that or the other thing/concerned citizens”. To me it often seems that it never goes beyond the – Problem – Reaction – Vague solutions


I recall Dr. MLK saying protest was useless for that reason. It doesn’t have solutions, just complaints.


A lot of it seems to be focused on government corruption and how exposing and replacing one representative, leader, ruler with another will somehow change the system itself.


Is it possible to solve the problem using the same corporate laws that created the problem when common sense applied to common laws would suffice? I don’t want to be killed so I don’t kill others. I don’t want to starve so I don’t starve others.


Notice the current mind set is I don’t want to fight them here so I fight them over there. I don’t want to starve so I hoard enough to last through the coming invasion by the starving hoards I stole the food from in the first place.


The questions and answers seem to be framed in a statist, us versus them box.


Talk often focuses on “restoring” and “returning” to things like “sound money” and “the free market” It’s a kind of nostalgic view of the good old days. I propose that there were no good old days. Show me one example as evidence of a good old day and I’ll show you someplace on the planet where it was anything but good. Oppression of one is oppression of all. It’s one planet, one people. We need more evolution not revolution or devolution.


Others offer the suggestion that control of our money and economic purchasing power by the people sic the state, will somehow bring independence and freedom while ignoring that the system of monetary exchange of labor for basic life support will still exist. The state will still exist and competing states will still form cartels. Take away all their assets but allow them to continue writing credits and they will just buy it all back again


I’ve got prejudices against the zeitgeist package but the enemy of my enemy can be my friend. At present it seems the only one offering a new world game. The concept of a leaderless movement has appeal. The idea of focusing on how to feed and clothe the planet instead of rape and pillage for personal wealth is something that interests me as well.


I’m curious what others think of it besides the hokey phrase Venus project and dubious interpretations of religious roots.


They have some of the same views of the future as I do. In my version of utopia there is their high speed rail from South America over the Bering to South Africa and all points in between. There is their central database for people to query and share ideas. Is that a direct democracy electing new ideas instead of new leaders with no idea? Schools teach cooperation and voluntary participation in the human struggle rather than the history of modern warfare and our continued struggle against each other. The media is not a tool of distraction for power but education for enlightenment and I don’t mean spirits, holy ghosts or gods. That is unless someone has come up with verifiable testable evidence of any of that stuff since yesterday.


Some people’s idea of utopia is a cashless credit based society where we are born into debt/original sin with a camera/god watching our every move and police/priests in armed vehicles enforcing our compliance. It’s a theocratic hell hole where you have freedom of religion but not freedom from religion. You will be required to pick a team and fight to the death for it.


I’m pulling for the former, evolution, while a few are pushing and programming the latter, continuous revolution and a return to the good old days i.e. the dark ages or 1950’s Tibet and it’s serfdom as Michael Parenti wrote about in a recent article I was linked to.


Is there a key to unlock this prison? I don't want to get too far out there but these are the kinds of questions that interest me. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?


Cheers, Dave


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