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02042: Re: [WDDM] I spit in your face, Disambiguation

From: Dan Smith <draciron(at)gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 19:43:47 -0500
Subject: Re: [WDDM] I spit in your face, Disambiguation

First off I don't accept your figures.

Second China kills far more than that every year in it's labor camps
and people just plain dragged out of their homes and executed.
Tienaman square was a much bigger issue.

Third the Chinese Democratic people imprisoned and killed did not go
out and blow up people, kidnap people executing some of them just for
the sin of being the wrong nationality or religion.

Fourth Saddam had a proven record of using WMDs. He used them against
Iran and against his own people. He clearly had intent of gaining more
and would have used them had he done so. Saddam broke the terms of the
treaty he signed to avoid invasion of Iraq and fired upon US and UK
aircraft. THIS was why we were invading Iraq not because of 9-11. Bush
was an idiot and Cheney used the Iraq war to enrich himself and his
friends but that doesn't change the need to take Saddam out. Doing the
right thing for the wrong reasons doesn't change the value in doing

Next who said Iran was currently going for BIG bombs. They have a
stated intention to be a nuclear power and have openly threatened
Israel. What more do you need? When they start WW III are you still
going to make excuses for them?

You may hate Texans but I think I speak for the majority of Texans
when I say you can take your Swastikas and stick them somewhere sun
don't shine. Texas doesn't want or need Nazis. If your path was
followed it would result in piles of dead. People killed for their
religion, skin color or other meaningless traits.

If nothing else this proves exactly what I started out saying. The
topic is divisive, unproductive at best will remove members from the
list and organization. This helps promote DD in what way?

On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 7:16 PM, Ron White <whitecastle46(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

You said,'There are far more severe abuses going on in nations we can make a
difference in'. Dan , you go and tell that to the survivors of the 1400 dead
Palestinians of the recent massacre.
Iran, according to the International Inspectors for Atomic Energy, is
operating legally their reactors consistent with producing electrical
power., not devising fuel grade plutonium for big bombs. Same report given
by the agency for Saddam Hussein. But what did Bush do anyway?
Who was it that said, "The only problem with Texans is that they think they
are Texan".
I too like your suggested option of Texas independence given the other of
simply erecting a 40 foot high cyclone fence around the state.
Texas. You can't fix stupid.

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