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02002: Fw: Re: [WDDM] I spit in your face

From: Ron White <whitecastle46(at)yahoo.com>
Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2009 13:08:36 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Fw: Re: [WDDM] I spit in your face

--- On Fri, 4/10/09, Georges Metanomski <zgmet(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Georges Metanomski <zgmet(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [WDDM] I spit in your face
To: whitecastle46(at)yahoo.com
Date: Friday, April 10, 2009, 6:23 AM

To the WDDM owner.
I have asked you several times to filter out racist posts falling
below the red line of criminal offence. Would you tolerate
WDDM switching to  pedophiliac propaganda? But denying
the Holocaust  of 6 million Jews, 10 million Christians, 1900 Catholic priests, innumerable Gipsies, Gays, Handicapped ...
is morally still worse, worse than anything one can imagine,
especially when propounding the new Holocaust.

And yet you tolerated the post I'm answering and another,
as bad, even if more  hypocritical - of Anette and Martin.

I don't want my email to be more sullied by such WDDM posts
and ask you to unsuscribe me from the list.


--- On Fri, 4/10/09, whitecastle46(at)yahoo.com <whitecastle46(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

From: whitecastle46(at)yahoo.com <whitecastle46(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [WDDM] I spit in your face
To: "Georges Metanomski" <zgmet(at)yahoo.com>
Date: Friday, April 10, 2009, 3:25 AM

The Ugly Truth

Just another WordPress.com weblog

Learning To Live With The Lost Boys

<<<Copy of text from the preceeding link was here.>>>

--- On Thu, 4/9/09, Georges Metanomski <zgmet(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Georges Metanomski <zgmet(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [WDDM] I spit in your face
To: wddm@world-wide-democracy.net
Date: Thursday, April 9, 2009, 6:29 AM

--- On Thu, 4/9/09, whitecastle46(at)yahoo.com <whitecastle46(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

You know exactly what I mean. Each time you begin this sentimental and fanatical rant about the holocaust I send a bigger donation to the Anti- Anti Defamation League.
To keep the record straight, "Passion Week" is a
literary version of my participation in the Ghetto
Uprising. It has been checked and judged worthy to
be registered with Yad Vashem. As to defaming the
SS, I confess to a certain bias, but not absolute,
as an SS-Mann had saved my life.

Let me repeat an old exchange with Antonio Rossin:
> Hi list,
> Georges Metanomski -- I met him face-to-face at
> Munich a six years ago --
> is a old chap of about eighty who survived the
> Warsaw Ghetto massacre
> made by the Nazi at the beginning of WWII.  Later,
> as the war ended, he
> attended the group of Infeld, a pupil of Einstein.
> So, he became talented
> in Physics and calculus
> Every now and then -- at least yearly, at Easter
> because it is the
> anniversary
> of the Warsaw Ghetto massacre -- G.M. makes us
> remember the Holocaust.
> Also, he presents himself as the top defender of the
> Hebrew race against
> all
> those people who do not respect the Holocaust
> memory.  He claims against
> them:  "I spit in your face"...
Not "top defender", but a fellow who did his little
bit as a 14 years old kid in Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
and elsewhere, whenever called upon.

Not of "Hebrew race", as IMO there ain't no such
animal, but, by solidarity with victims of Holocaust
which I witnessed.

I don't care so much about those who don't respect
the memory of the Holocaust; it's the problem of
their dirty conscience. But I care about those who
prepare the new one and those who support them.
With respect to them I assume the historic stand of
Mordechai Anielewicz and Warsaw Mayor Starzynski,
expressed by their "I spit in your face".
To keep the record straight, I repeat that
I welcome all rational and well documented
critique of any scientific, social or political
phenomenon, including Israel. Actually, I
criticised Israeli establishment more deeply
and pertinently than the back-seat hateful
anti-semites who usually don't know what they
are screaming about.
I participated in anti-terrorist actions
including liberation of two schools taken
hostage and in the Yom Kippur war.
But I was also court martialed for having
knocked out a superior paratrooper officer in
defense of a Palestinian, of whom he abused.
I got into serious trouble for defending
legitimate interests of Nazeret Arabs and was
blackmailed to join a vast corruption deal,
which forced me to leave Israel.
So, critique, yes, but not fanatic, emotional,
hateful vomits.
As reaction I repeat below my post
"I spit in your face".
What was left of Warsaw Ghetto was transferred
to Israel, another Ghetto of 4 millions
besieged by a billion of Islamists committed to
the Jihad, organized in  Fatah's, Hamas's
Al-Qaidas, Iranian extremists, Hesbollah's,
Jordanian, Syrian, Egyptian Armies, committed
to the Second Holocaust, vowing openly to
exterminate Israelis and proving the sincerity of
their vows with a series of pitched wars and
continuous terrorism.

I did my little bit in this second Ghetto as
well, but must admit to having disregarded a
part of my motto, that of spitting. I had respect
for my adversaries who had the guts to fight me
and, destiny deciding, to succumb.

But I have no respect for you, back seat friends
and supporters of Hamas, of Iran's Ahmadinejad
and Hezbollah, who glorify the Second Holocaust
and plead for it.

I spit in your face
BTW."I spit in your face" is a historic quotation,
which I made my motto under certain circumstances.
Actually, Mordechai Anielewicz did not invent it,
calling Ghetto inmates to die upright, spitting
morally in the face of deathsmen who perpetrated
the Holocaust of 6 million Jews, 10 million
Christians, 1900 Catholic priests, innumerable
Gipsies, Gays, Handicapped ... and entered the
Ghetto to send the few survivors to gas.

The original "Germans, I spit in your face" was
uttered by Warsaw Mayor Starzynski in his last
speech on the day of Warsaw surrender at the
end of September 1939. I heard it and recall
exactly these words, but only vaguely the rest,
which was something like: "To morrow you will
enter my office and find me sitting behind
my desk. Don't expect me to stand up and cede
you my place. It will stay vacant after you
pull me out by force. You will torture me and
try to make me scream excuses and implore your
pardon. You may succeed, yet it won't be me,
but a piece of lacerated flesh. These here
are my last words and they will stay so in
history: "Germans, I spit in your face".


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