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01934: Antonio's last

From: ROY DAINE <rdaine(at)btinternet.com>
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2008 00:15:42 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Antonio's last

Dear All,
I was about to go to bed when I happened upon the unmitigated rubbish that is Antonio's missive.

I refer, in particular to the following nonsense -

***My point was, a couple of days ago I read in the newspaper that many
English people took place against the big Water Supplying Corporate
Companies, set up a Water Consumers' Company and got the control
of the Water market.  They did so because of the incoming shortage of
whater supplies all over the world.   Of course, they did not read this
suggestion in any DD charter, but by doing so they performed DD.***

Apart from the fact that it seems to have been raining here in England all summer, I feel moved to point out that there is no incoming shortage of water here.

Water is not imported. Water, in the form of rain, falls over land and is carried outward, by rivers, to the sea. I know of no country that imports water.

Furthermore, although I read the newspapers every day, I've not heard of any people setting up in opposition to the 'Water Supplying Corporate Companies' and nobody has 'control' of the 'water market'.

Now, Bruce is indeed intent on persuading people to the view that the Swiss Model is a worthy ideal.

Isn't the whole point of DD, that the will of the majority of a people, has power of decision.
How else to arrive at a majority, if not to try and persuade others to your point of view, until it constitutes a majority opinion.

I could point out that you're equally obsessed with educating children in a specific way.

Other models of DD have been noted as examples, notably those in South America.

If WDDM is to be a focal point for DD, I can see absolutely nothing wrong with providing examples of DD in action, that communities might wish to follow or adapt.

***Well now, to stick to te point:  Direct Democracy, in everybody's
experience, is unlikely to succeed if we were unable to make these
two intervention levels match together.  Don't you think so?  Any
contrary proof?***

How do you make two diametrically opposites match.

Proof? What of?

How does a supposedly educated man come out with such rubbish?

Regards as always


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