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01911: RE: [WDDM] Re:[WDDM] Non direct-democracy items

From: "Jim Powell" <autoinfo(at)acenet.co.za>
Date: Sat, 6 Sep 2008 10:46:29 +0200
Subject: RE: [WDDM] Re:[WDDM] Non direct-democracy items

Hi David,

The focus is back.

I have been involved in the local community organisation for over 18 years. There has been a succession of chairmen who generally have had one trait: when they attain the position they know much more than the day before they obtained the position.

It is an observation of human nature that people will draw as much power to themselves as possible. This is summed up by the phrase “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”.

Direct democracy will start in South Africa in my community and spread to other community organisations in Johannesburg and through South Africa.

Communities are fearful of change and those in power will and do prey on that.

As the communities get used to making decisions within their own community their confidence increases that they are capable of making decisions and being in control of the local committee. From this we can grow expectations of greater control at Local, Provincial and Central Government. At the same time we persue the DD at all levels.

We (voters) decide which politicians get employed, we pay their salaries, they are our employees

Best Wishes,

Jim Powell

From: David Parker [davefparker(at)shaw.ca]
Sent: 05 Sep 2008 06:05 PM
To: wddm@world-wide-democracy.net
Subject: RE: [WDDM] Re:[WDDM] Non direct-democracy items

We need a Direct Democratic forum to start working on a world government by the people for the people. A website the population can login to with a secure password that has every possible type of community forums and a pin for voting legal and governmental issues to lodge complaints and to share our ideas with each other. Setup something like a combination radio, TV, Video on demand, youtube, myspace, limewire, wiki, database, webcam, chat room, net meeting, cspan, mIRC type of resource. Meeting boards, Job boards, social dating, open source software, educational information and technical advice.

An example would be someone proposes an initiative in a video like on youtube, end Israeli occupation, apartheid and ethnic cleansing of Palestine. Over the course of a month people review, praise, critique, rebut, rebuke and reprimand the post voting yay or nay. At the end of the month the votes/views tally is done and if it meets a threshold it advances to the next level or is rejected.

If it's rejected they can take the advice from people's posts and refine or revamp it and repost after a waiting period. If it passes it gets more exposure and more criticism in a final voting stage. All fully transparent and open to every person. Some won't care, some won't participate and some won't even have access to start. There will be criminal elements trying to subvert the system for their own ends but the people of good conscience will be the check and balance, not some puppetdent with the final say.

Eventually the leaders of the past will become nothing more than administrators of the future. They have no power to change anything on their own except through the global forums. They only implement the changes of the people.

Some examples of votes never put before the people: Nuclear dismantling and disarmament. Mass media monopoly and manipulation of global conscience. Wars and military build-up, shovels instead of guns. Organized Religious Intolerance, apartheid, racial and ethnic cleansing. Austrian economics, free money and an end to private Banksters ruling the planet through greed.

Am I just dreaming or is there any chance for the globe to get together on our own or will we always turn to big brother for help? Will we forever demand government to give us this or that? Will we continue to stand outside yelling at the system to change from within?

Only an epsilon semi-moron still believes there is any honesty left in the system. The policies are all in place. The cartels: UN Globalists and all the Puppetdents, Media Industrial Complex, International Banksters, Secret Service Community, Military Industrial Complex, Medical Chemical Industrial Complex, Energy Cartel, Charitable Tax Exempt Education NGO Foundations, Organized Religious Intolerance Indoctrination Complex, set and control all facets of our lives.

Does anyone think Al Gore is fighting for us? Does anyone think Newton was anything other than a thief and plagiarist? Does anyone think the UN volunteer baby rapers care? Does anyone believe oil will last past the end of this century? Does anyone believe 911 was anything other than a government false flag to promote a war on terror and strip the planet of all right to protest?

Is this just a forum for gatekeepers, controlled opposition, manufactured dissent? I get more heated discussions and a wider range of information from a youtube post than I do here, in general. Why are people not harnessing the potential of video hosting for direct democracy? People need a voice and an outlet, public demonstrations are not working. The police state is dispersing those and arresting participants.

Truthers versus Liars, which side are you on?


Cheers. Dave

-----Original Message-----
From: Vijayaraghavan Padmanabhan [vijayaraghavan.p(at)rediffmail.com]
Sent: September 5, 2008 4:55 AM
To: wddm@world-wide-democracy.net
Subject: [WDDM] Re:[WDDM] Non direct-democracy items

One thing that is clear after watching WDDM for nearly a year and a half is that it lacks an Administrator to take policy decisions. It is a good discussion forum with a sprinkling of sarcasm and comedy going with it. Discussion goes round in circles with people rooted in their respective points of view, unaware that all are trying to make the same point from different perspectives. Mirek, I believe, is content with being the web master. Mark having contributed the charter keeps a distance from all discussions. I have not seen Jiri Polak or George Kokkas, who I believe are among the founders, taking part in the discussions. There is nobody who can accommodate the various points of view and yet take forward the WDDM to meaningful action at the global level by utilising the global reach of the internet.


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