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01429: Re: [WDDM] Anarchism and Direct Democracy

From: "Bruce Eggum" <bruceeggum(at)gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2007 01:11:05 -0500
Subject: Re: [WDDM] Anarchism and Direct Democracy

Oaxaca Update, Anarchism does not work.

This is an Anarchy following and designed group. George Salsman professed Anarchist has guided this political movement. The non-violent, marches often with hundreds of thousands a time or two over a million people. Holding Assemblies, yet making few decisions other than planning another march. Refusing to negotiate directly with "the government".

What if they had demanded Initiative and Binding Referendum? I suggested it but it was never brought up.

With all these people, they could have supervised these elections and perhaps voted out those they despise. What about The UN or other organizations also supervising elections?

But no, Anarchism refuses to address the government directly. Anarchism refuses to address the real problem, find a solution and demand the solution in a democratic way because it refuses to comply with the process necessary to confront government.

I don't have actual numbers, but this reveals the tally:

data on voting

Posted by: "Nancy Davies" nmsdavies(at)gmail.com nmsdavies

Fri Aug 10, 2007 8:55 am (PST)

This is the official count, published in Noticias on August 10:
63.13% of the registered electorate abstained. 36.87% actually voted. The
PRI won with 17.4% of the vote.

Bruce:> So there is no record of anyone who failed to vote. Had there been a slot to state no to all, they could have had a decisive majority of rejecting the candidates. Since the tally of votes cast is the method of election, the candidates won. Not voting obviously accomplishes nothing. VOTE is the necessary way, and make sure the election is conducted in a legal, right fashion.

Posted by: "Nancy Davies" nmsdavies(at)gmail.com nmsdavies

Mon Aug 6, 2007 10:40 am (PST)


"A pox on both your houses."

commentary from Oaxaca

August 6, 2007

More than seventy percent of Oaxaca's registered voters did not vote in the
state elections on Sunday, August 5. Approximately two and a half million
voters were eligible to select the 42 deputies who represent the 25
electoral districts, by a system which employs direct and proportional

In a gesture of popular repudiation of all candidates of all parties, the 25
districts were won by the PRI.

The record level of abstentions indicates that the call for the "punishment
vote" issued by the APPO was not enough to overcome popular feeling that the
electoral system doesn't work and is irrelevant to their lives.

While some may believe that "democracy" consists in the freedom to choose
between Hilary Clinton and Barak Obama, followed by the freedom to choose
between Democrat or Republican, the people of Oaxaca know better. Almost
universally they despise the corruption of political parties and delegates
controlled by and for money.

For most Oaxaqueños, "democracy" must be participative, without leaders,
and based on local assemblies. While local assemblies are indeed
proliferating since the onset of the Popular Movement in 2006, the system
remains locked into the old party corruption. In Mexico the breakthrough
from one established party to alternative parties is very recent.
In 1989
Ernesto Ruffo Appel was elected the first opposition governor,
in Baja California, in the PAN party. Two years later, his future
successor in the Baja California government,
Héctor Terán Terán,
became the first federal senator from the PAN. For the presidency, an
alternate candidate wasn't elected until the year 2000. The third party,
the PRD, won the Federal District presidency of Mexico City only within the

The internal corruption spread from party to party, in a power struggle
which seemingly eliminates the people as players.

In Oaxaca, the governor, and control on the state level has been in the
hands of the PRI for almost eighty years. Control of all the powers —
legislative, judicial and executive — in Oaxaca has always been PRI, and
always dominated by the governor. But he can not claim a popular mandate in

On Sunday, voting day, the city looked calm. At the small pre-school nearby,
the street was lined with cars bringing voters. That was warning sign. One
need only ask, who has a car? A friend told me that in her colonia, when
she went to vote, the voting place was empty. This is a family which only
recently built an indoor kitchen, but still bathes out of buckets. No car.

I arrived at the zócalo in time to hear Florentino Lopez, the APPO
spokesperson, announce to yesterday's rally the withdrawal of the APPO,
including Section 22, from their encampment in the square. By nightfall one
could see the tent supports being dismantled. The zócalo has been filled
with vendors and noise; will they stay, or also go? Lopez announced upcoming
plans for the next march, August 10. He said that other plans are being
made. I guessed that without results of Sunday's elections, no plans could
have been made beyond getting all the teachers back to their towns to
prepare for the October 7 elections. Asambleas of both Section 22 and the
APPO will take place next week.

City councilors and presidents will be selected October 7 for the 570 towns
in the state. Of these, 418 govern themselves by the rules for usos y
(ways and customs) and 152 by political parties. In
municipalities where authorities are chosen by the system of usos y
, community assemblies for naming authorities may be carried out
all year long.

The August 5 elections were staged under great political instability. Even
before the vote count, news is that the townspeople of La Ventosa in the
Isthmus on August 5 burned up the election ballots, the ballot boxes, and
the polling booths in a confrontation between PRI and PRD factions. La
Ventosa is one of the towns in conflict overt the introduction of wind
generators on communal lands.

The social crisis which exploded in the state in the middle of the past year
continues; the assassinated are mourned; the disappeared are sought; four of
the imprisoned have not been released. The economy is shot to hell,
restaurants have closed, and with few if any American tourists, the vendors
earn a scant living. One could speculate about the consequences of giving
up on the electoral system.

Furthermore, 188 public schools were taken during the political conflict by
parents of families and instigated by municipal authorities sympathetic to
the PRI, or specifically, by teachers of the Comité Central de Lucha (CCL),
the dissident wing of Section 22 of the SNTE. Many of these schools have
not been returned to teachers of Section 22; the situation has led to
violent confrontations between teachers and parents, with no resolution
offered by the government despite so-called negotiations.

Another confrontation is taking place in various municipalities where the
Popular City Councilors have taken charge: municipal authorities were
disowned and authorities from the people were named. This is the case in San
Antonino Castillo Velasco, Santa María Atzompa, Villa de Zaachila (see the
garbage trucks with slogans), San Juan Lalana, and others. "Bills coming
due" both to sympathizers of the APPO and to sympathizers of the PRI may
show up in the October elections.

Meanwhile social mobilization has spread. Following the assault by the
governor on the marchers for the Popular Guelaguetza, once again feelings
run high. The zócalo has been adorned with twenty-one wooden crosses, each
with the name of a hero fallen in the struggle. Daily demands, both locally
and from abroad as with Amnesty International, to free the political
prisoners and respect human rights are ignored, as is the demand for the
ouster of Ulises Ruiz Ortiz as Governor of Oaxaca. The system doesn't work.

If all this weren't enough, the current election was shaped by the Supreme
Court of Justice of the Nation which examined an Electoral Reform passed by
the Congress of Oaxaca in the month of September 2006. This Electoral
Reform, passed somehow while no true governability was possible at the
height of the crisis, reduced lengths of campaigns, removed the ability of
the Congress to qualify the elections, reduced prerogatives of the
political parties, and outrageously, lengthened by a year the period of
office of the deputies and municipal presidents, pushing elections back to
2008. This last part was what the Supreme Court threw out. Write-in votes
have never been valid, because a candidate requires certification by a
political party or parties, no matter how many votes he/she receives. These
are the political conditions in which the electoral process in Oaxaca

Meanwhile, the practices of purchase and compulsion of votes continues. In
the federal elections of 2006, the ngo EDUCA, and the Foro Ciudadano de
Oaxaca, documented the following practices of buying and compelling votes,
and one might suppose they continued on August 5:

● Storing materials and supplies in official warehouses, handing out tools
and supplies, asking for electoral credentials, payments for attending
campaign meetings, and promises of public services or social programs.
Allegedly ten thousand irregular taxi concessions were sold in return for

● Use of State Social Programs to further the candidacies, such as Program
Firm Floor, Mobile Units for Development, Modules for Machinery and Program
for Adult Literacy.

● The Public Information Media, especially the Oaxaca Corporation of Radio
and Television, used public space to promote public works and handing out of
Government resources as if they were part of the campaign.

● Channeling public resources through the town councils, intimidation
against municipal presidents of the North Sierra, South Sierra and the
Isthmus, who were informed that if the PRI didn't win in these
municipalities they would no longer receive resources or they would be

● Compulsory work, especially in government offices, with the structure of
links of assistance. Obliging employees to fill lists with names of voters
and the number of their voting credential, as they were obliged to bring in
votes for the PRI.

● Contempt on the part of Governor Ulises Ruiz Ortiz for the Accord of
Political Neutrality, promulgated by the Federal Electoral Institute. In
addition to making public declarations to minimize the accord, he traveled
the state doing electoral political proselytizing, handing out social aid
and calling for votes for PRI candidates. Newspapers such as Noticias
carried for the past month daily paid political articles depicting good
works done by the governor and the PRI

To what extent illegal practices were carried out on August 5, we don't yet
know: the first complaint was been received from the Sierra Norte. Others
irregularities apparently had to do with failure to install voting booths,
but those problems, a this moment, appear to be few, affecting only a
thousand or so voters. Perhaps it no longer matters.

Oaxaca is a key state. The necessity for institutional changes and profound
reforms remain. Civil society as well as the APPO aim to extend civic
education and citizen participation. The professed goals are to guarantee
economic, racial and gender equity, establish horizontal control, make
transparent the use of the public resources, and reinforce social programs.
With a majority of the population situated outside the legal electoral
system, Oaxaca will have a long way to go.

Bruce Eggum
Gresham Wisconsin, USA, www.doinggovernment.com; Check out my Blog too: bruceeggum.blogster.com

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