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00458: Re: Epistemological Revolution (Chris et Al)

From: Antonio Rossin <rossin(at)tin.it>
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2005 12:22:07 +0100
Subject: Re: Epistemological Revolution (Chris et Al)

Well said, Chris.

But democracy, in each country, is a matter of voters' percentage.

What about, then if a country's majority abdicate to their right-duty
of verifying policies-proposals-social theories, and delegate some
representative authority of their own for this verifying task? Leading
to a collective practice to be consequently followed ?

It does not matter if such a representative authority is a religious
or a scientific or a political one.  What matters, it is that such a
practice is substantially undemocratic, and the (epistemological)
procedure leading to it must be exposed, if we wanted to defeat
the current Representative Democracy people's majority in a
given country (perhaps not in yours).

Regards,  antonio

On 11/29/05,chris redmond wrote:
what has all this epistomological b*****ks got to do with trying to
arrest power from elites, and place it into the hands of ordinary

once power has been in the hands of ordinary folk, for several
centuries, everybody will be able to consider such erudite and
abstract conjecture.  right now, after millenia of elitism, the vast
majority of people would have no conception of the type of ideas you
guys are wasting your time on, being born, and maintained in such
conditions as to provide labor for the priviledged -nothing more.

you say feedback welcome.  can i suggest that the wddm concentrate
it's efforts and communications on specific practical steps re direct
democratic administration, and leave this kind of rubbish for those
who are also comfortable with equally irrelevant and inappropriate
forms of government.

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