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00326: Re: [cicdd]Google Wisecrack Institute

From: Georges Metanomski <zgmet(at)wanadoo.fr>
Date: Sat, 04 Jun 2005 21:11:59 +0200
Subject: Re: [cicdd]Google Wisecrack Institute

Apparently Georges has joined the capitalist corporations in their
efforts to discount the very real disapproval of the EU Constitution by
French Referendum. Any search such as Google will show interviews of
French people who voted against the EU Constitution because it was
undemocratic, took power from their Nation State, gave the EU power to
end social benefits which the French see as necessary and numerous
other valid reasons.

Only the EU Propaganda machine is belching the un-truth Georges
continues to perpetuate.

I tried to join the GWI (Google Wisecrack Institute"), but
the Committee said that my intelligence was not compatible
with their standards.
And indeed, I don't understand a word of the
Wisecracks about.
So maybe some scientist of the GWI could translate and
explain me:

What's wrong with reporting facts based upon:

-daily life experience, knowledge of French mentality
and of the current atmosphere in France.

-years of successful DD militant experience at the local
Forum level as well as at the regional level encompassing
several associations with over 10000 members, with last
topic having been the Referendum.

Why should such facts be called into question by a few
Google wisecracks?

Why should Capitalist Corporation, whatever that may mean,
appreciate a report discrediting their best pal, Chirac?

Why, finally, reporting facts should trigger aggressive,
ad personam and not to the point reaction?


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